[Abstract]:The natural secondary forest in the eastern mountainous region of Heilongjiang Province was studied. The Photoshop Cs5,Image pro Plus6.0 image processing software was used to combine the field dyeing tracer and statistical analysis. The difference of soil characteristics between priority flow area and substrate flow area under natural secondary forest was analyzed. The results showed that the preferential flow of soil in natural secondary forest in the eastern mountainous region of Heilongjiang Province was very obvious, which mainly consisted of macroporous flow, finger flow and pipe flow. In the 10-45cm soil layer, the dyeing path no longer diffuses uniformly as a whole, showing obvious preferential migration characteristics, resulting in preferential flow. It also shows some characteristic of encircling. From the surface to the bottom of the soil, the non-capillary porosity in the stained area was 0.32% higher than that in the unstained zone. Non-capillary pores can be regarded as macropores, which are the main causes of preferential flow. Within the 0-40cm soil layer, the saturated soil water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity and field water holding capacity in the dyeing area are higher than those in the unstained area. The bulk density of soil in dyeing area was lower than that in unstained area, and 20-40cm was the most obvious soil layer to produce "preferential path" in natural secondary forest soil in this area. In this range, the soil infiltration rate in the priority flow area is obviously higher than that in the substrate flow area, which proves that the difference of soil characteristics in this area is the main reason for the preferential flow of natural secondary forest in the eastern mountainous region of Heilongjiang Province.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学林学院;
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