发布时间:2019-02-23 12:54
【摘要】:湿地是地球上重要的生态系统之一,具有很高的生态价值。在干旱半干旱地区湿地研究中,草甸被视为陆域过湿土壤上的湿地类型。本研究中的草甸属于低地草甸,主要分布在低湿区域,像河滨、河漫滩、沟谷、洼地等,其植被类型具有隐域性,不呈地带性分布。本文采用野外调查、室内分析的方法,研究了银川平原草甸湿地植被的分布特征,草甸湿地土壤盐化等级的划分,盐分累积状况,主要盐分组成成分以及影响银川平原草甸植被分布及生长特征的主要因子,研究过程和主要结论如下:(1)本研究共设置样地57个,样方123个,根据传统的分类方法将研究区植物群落划分为3个植被型,8个植被亚型,27个群系。根据土壤表层全盐含量(0-20)cm,把研究区土壤划分为5个等级:Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ,它们对应的含盐量分别为≥10g/kg、4~10g/kg、2~ 4g/kg、1~2g/kg和1g/kg。(2)植物多样性指数均表现为ⅤⅢⅣⅡⅠ,其中Pielou均匀度指数表现为ⅠⅢⅤⅣⅡ,说明随着土壤盐分对植物多样性指数影响较大。(3)研究区草甸土壤全盐含量在垂直方向上表现出明显的表聚现象,在0-30cm土层,随着土壤深度的增加,土壤全盐含量急剧下降,在30~70cm土壤全盐含量的下降则较为平缓;各盐分离子除了HCO3-、CO32-均表现出明显的表聚现象,但在不同的土壤等级中,只有Na+、K+、Cl.和土壤全盐的表现一致,均为ⅠⅡⅣⅣⅤ。(4)草甸湿地植物体中也有一定的盐分累积,在植物体中,主要盐分为NaCl、 NaHCO3;在土壤中主要盐分为NaCl、NaHCO3、Na2CO3。(5)草甸湿地各土壤盐分因子的相关性分析结果表明,土壤全盐、pH与大部分盐分离子都呈显著或极显著正相关或负相关,Na+、Cl-与大部分离子之间都呈显著或极显著相关关系。所有盐分离子的主成分分析表明:在0~30cmNa+、Cl-是研究区的主要盐分离子,在30~100cmNa+、Ca2+、Cl-是研究区盐分累积的主要盐分离子。(6)对研究区草甸湿地植物群落特征和经过变异膨胀因子筛选后的9个土壤环境因子进行RDA分析,植物群落特征在第1轴、第Ⅵ轴上所占的解释量较大,分别为31.5%和67.9%,累积解释群落特征的信息量为99.5%,Na+、Cl-、TS对植物群落特征的变异起到了很好的解释。Na+与植物群落的生物量呈显著负相关关系;Na+含量与盖度、物种数呈负相关;Cl-含量与生物量、盖度、物种数呈负相关,但相关性并不显著。(7)银川平原草甸湿地土壤盐分呈自南向北逐渐增加的空间变化;不同草甸植被类型的含盐量大小为盐生草甸典型草甸湿生草甸;不同地形部位草甸的盐分含量表现为干湖滩洪泛平原堤外湖滩湿湖滩渠边沙滩,地下水埋深和水盐循环过程是盐分分布特征的决定性因素。
[Abstract]:Wetland is one of the important ecosystems on the earth and has high ecological value. In the study of wetlands in arid and semi-arid areas, meadow is regarded as the wetland type in overwet soil. The meadow in this study belongs to lowland meadow and mainly distributes in low-wet areas such as riverside, floodplain, gully, depression and so on. The vegetation type of meadow in this study is regional and not zonal. In this paper, the distribution characteristics of meadow wetland vegetation in Yinchuan Plain, the classification of salinization grade of meadow wetland soil, and the salt accumulation in meadow wetland were studied by field investigation and indoor analysis. The main salt components and the main factors affecting the vegetation distribution and growth characteristics of meadow in Yinchuan Plain were studied. The main conclusions were as follows: (1) there were 57 plots and 123 sample plots in this study. According to the traditional classification method, the plant communities in the study area were divided into 3 vegetation types, 8 vegetation subtypes and 27 formations. According to soil total salt content (0-20) cm, the soil in the study area was divided into five grades: 鈪,
[Abstract]:Wetland is one of the important ecosystems on the earth and has high ecological value. In the study of wetlands in arid and semi-arid areas, meadow is regarded as the wetland type in overwet soil. The meadow in this study belongs to lowland meadow and mainly distributes in low-wet areas such as riverside, floodplain, gully, depression and so on. The vegetation type of meadow in this study is regional and not zonal. In this paper, the distribution characteristics of meadow wetland vegetation in Yinchuan Plain, the classification of salinization grade of meadow wetland soil, and the salt accumulation in meadow wetland were studied by field investigation and indoor analysis. The main salt components and the main factors affecting the vegetation distribution and growth characteristics of meadow in Yinchuan Plain were studied. The main conclusions were as follows: (1) there were 57 plots and 123 sample plots in this study. According to the traditional classification method, the plant communities in the study area were divided into 3 vegetation types, 8 vegetation subtypes and 27 formations. According to soil total salt content (0-20) cm, the soil in the study area was divided into five grades: 鈪,