[Abstract]:Based on the small watershed of Larix principis-rupprechtii forest land in Taiyue Mountain, Shanxi Province, the spatial variation characteristics of soil moisture (0-60cm) in Jieshigou small watershed were studied by means of geostatistics and geographic information system (GIS). And the influence of vegetation distribution and terrain factors on it. The results showed that soil moisture content and coefficient of variation decreased gradually with soil depth deepening on the premise of time stability. The best fitting model of three-layer soil moisture semi-variance function is spherical model, and the range of variation is 1.1 ~ 1.4 km, with strong spatial autocorrelation. The spatial heterogeneity of soil water in 0 ~ 20 cm and 20 ~ 40 cm layers was higher than that in 40 ~ 60 cm soil layers, and the structural factors in the middle layer accounted for the largest proportion of total variation. Natural structural factors (topography, parent material, vegetation and soil, etc.) play a dominant role in the total spatial variability of soil moisture in different soil layers (81.4% ~ 91.3%), while random factors (sampling error, sampling error) play a dominant role in the total spatial variability of soil moisture in different soil layers. The effect of human disturbance is relatively small (8.7% / 18.6%). Along the catchline from the west-east direction, from the edge of the high-value soil moisture patch gradually transition to the obvious low-value patch area, the gradient change is obvious. It is found that the spatial heterogeneity of soil water is mainly caused by topographic factors in mountainous areas where vegetation cover heterogeneity is small. The spatial heterogeneity of soil water is mainly caused by slope index (TRASP), slope, altitude and soil organic carbon. There was a very significant correlation between total nitrogen and vegetation index (NDVI) (P0.01), but a weak negative correlation with vegetation index. The superposition analysis showed that the soil moisture content in the overcast slope was higher than that in the overcast slope (15 掳) and superposed at high altitude. The results can provide a theoretical basis for the utilization of soil water resources and the formulation of water management strategies in mountain plantation construction and vegetation restoration.
【作者单位】: 北京林业大学省部共建森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室;山西省太岳山国有林管理局好地方林场;
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