[Abstract]:Soil organic matter is an important part of the global carbon cycle. After a long period of closure, the composition of soil organic matter and its humus evolves in a complex or simple direction. What is the change process and mechanism of the soil organic matter? It is not clear yet. Therefore, the evolution of soil organic matter and the characteristics of humus composition in ancient paddy soil were studied by using the section of Shanlonggang Paddy soil site in Liyang Plain as the research object. The composition and distribution characteristics of organic matter in ancient paddy soil with different particle size aggregates were analyzed. The infrared spectrum characteristics of ancient paddy soil were discussed in order to provide the basis for soil carbon release and fixation and biogeochemical cycle of carbon. The main results are as follows: (1) the content of organic matter varied from 8.41 to 24.00 g 路kg ~ (- 1) in the section of Shanlonggang Rice site, and 9.5g / 12.3g / kg ~ (- 1) g 路kg ~ (- 1) ~ (- 1) in the ancient rice soil layer. According to the spatial distribution of the profile, the change trend of the organic matter in the paleo-paddy soil is the parent material layer of the plough bottom and the retention layer. Compared with modern cultivated paddy soil, the content of organic matter is lower and the range of variation is smaller. (2) the content of organic matter in different grain diameter aggregates of ancient paddy soil is (5-2mm) (2-lmm) (1-0.25mm) (0.25mm). According to the spatial distribution of the profile, the organic matter of the aggregates of different grain diameters in the paleo-paddy soil is as follows: plough bottom of PA section, plough layer of PB profile, ploughing layer of PC profile and plough parent layer of plough layer of PC profile. Compared with the modern cultivated paddy soil, the organic matter content of the paddy soil is higher than that of the plough bottom of the modern cultivated paddy soil. (3) the average content of humus in ancient paddy soil was 3.66g/kg humic acid (1.92g/kg) fulvic acid (0.95g/kg). According to the spatial distribution of the profile, the variation range of humus content in all forms of Paddy soil is relatively small and tends to be stable gradually. Among them, the content of humic acid increased gradually with the increase of soil depth, the content of fulvic acid in profile PA,PB decreased and the content of PC increased. The content of humin in profile PA decreased at first and then increased. The PB in section showed a trend of "decrease-rise-decline", while the profile PC showed a trend of obvious decrease. The Hu-Fu ratio of ancient paddy soil increased with the increase of soil depth. Compared with modern cultivated paddy soil, Hu Fu is lower. (4) the average content of combined humus in ancient paddy soil is as follows: loose-bound (12.75g/kg) tight-bound (4.07g/kg)-stable-bound (0.42g/kg); The largest relative content is loose junctions (58.36%), followed by compact junctions (52.52%). The third is stable binding state (9.82%). From the view of spatial distribution of profile, the content of humus in each combined state of ancient paddy soil changed greatly, among which, the content of PA,PB loose jointed state in the profile showed a decreasing trend, and the content of stable bound state showed an upward trend. The compact state decreased. (5) the functional groups of ancient paddy soil were mainly concentrated in halogen compounds and inorganic compounds. The organic matter has a great influence on the functional groups of ancient paddy soil, in which the wave number in the ancient paddy soil is 188.2 cm ~ (1), and the absorption peak weakens after the removal of organic matter. In the ancient paddy soil, the wave number was 1631 ~ 470 cm-1, the benzene ring was formed gradually, the olefin compound increased and the degree of aromatization increased, and the binding power between halogen and inorganic compound increased. According to the reciprocal of the first order, the difference between the ancient paddy soil and the modern cultivated paddy soil is not significant, but after the removal of organic matter, the value of FD is different: after the removal of the organic matter, the peak values of the former and the latter have a downward trend.
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