[Abstract]:In order to reveal the response mechanism of soil temperature and volume moisture content in surface karst zone to rainstorm events, 20cm and 70cm soil temperature and volume moisture content were continuously monitored by HOBO soil temperature and volume moisture content monitor from July to August 2014. The results showed that the diurnal variation of soil temperature of 20cm was mainly affected by the diurnal variation of large temperature degree. The soil temperature of 70cm showed an upward trend as a whole and was mainly influenced by summer atmospheric circulation. The heavy rain in summer reduced the soil temperature of 20cm depth, increased the soil volume moisture content, and led to the increase of soil temperature at 70cm and then decrease, and the increase of soil volume moisture content. When the soil volume moisture content is low, the heavy rain event causes the rapid downward movement of the shallow high temperature soil water, and then when the soil volume moisture content reaches a certain threshold, it can quickly respond to the precipitation event. The results show that the effects of summer precipitation events on soil temperature and volume water content in different depth in karst area are different. Shallow soil can quickly respond to rainstorm events. The response of deep soil temperature and volume moisture content to rainstorm events is not only affected by precipitation threshold, but also restricted by surface soil temperature and volume moisture content.
【作者单位】: 中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所/国土资源部广西壮族自治区岩溶动力学重点实验室;中国地质大学(北京);广西区域地质调查研究院;广西水文地质工程地质队;
【基金】:广西青年科学基金项目(2014GXNSFBA118227) 国家自然科学基金项目(441501222,41372190,41530316) 中国地质调查项目(12120113005700,DD20160305) 中国地质科学院基本科研业务费(YYWF201513)
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