发布时间:2019-05-12 19:51
【摘要】:农业源排放的温室气体是我国温室气体总量排放的重要来源,估算省级层面温室气体的农业源排放量,并对其排放规律做出分析,对进一步提出符合我国各地区实际情况的减排措施有非常重要的意义。本文主要使用《省级温室气体清单编制指南》中推荐的方法,对内蒙古地区2005年、2010年、2012年和2014年农业源排放的CH_4及N2O量进行估算和分析。主要得到以下几点结论:(1)2005年、2010年、2012年和2014年全区农业温室气体排放总量分别为3065.14 万 t CO2eq、3424.40 万 t C02eq、3474.68 万 t C02eq 和 3482.19 万 t C02eq。(2)动物肠道发酵CH_4排放是内蒙古地区农业各排放源温室气体排放的最主要排放源,四年排放量分别为1916.27万t C02eq、2127.66万t C02eq、2134.46万t C02eq和2147.26万t C02eq;农业用地N_2O的排放是内蒙古地区农业温室气体排放的另一重要来源,四年排放量分别为509.94万t C02eq、630.31万t C02eq、652.10万tC02eq和694.45万tC02eq;四年中,畜禽粪便管理过程导致 N_2O 的排放量分别为 468.27 万 t C02eq、486.27 万 t C02eq、505.62 万 t C02eq和473.41万t C02eq,是内蒙古地区仅次于农用地排放的另一重要排放源。(3)内蒙古地区农业用地产生的N2O主要来自两个方面,直接排放和间接排放;其中,内蒙古地区氮肥施入过程中,化肥氮占大部分,是引起直接排放的主要原因;大气氮沉降引起的氮输入量高于因淋溶径流损失进入水体的氮输入量,所以大气氮沉降导致的排放量是农业用地N2O间接排放的主要原因。牛、羊等反刍动物是引起肠道发酵CH_4排放的主要原因;奶牛和绵羊的大量饲养而产生的大量粪便是畜禽粪便管理中CH_4和N2O产生的主要原因;内蒙古地区生猪养殖量相对较大,并且粪便管理系统生猪对应的排放因子较大,所以内蒙古地区生猪粪便也是引起畜禽粪便CH_4排放的主要原因。(4)内蒙古地区四年中农业温室气体排放量的高值区分布在通辽、赤峰和呼伦贝尔市,整体呈现出东部排放多西部排放相对较少的规律。(5)内蒙古地区四个年度农业CH_4和N2O的排放强度平均值(以CO2当量计算)分别为0.46t·ha-1·a-1、0.51t·ha-1·a-1、0.50t·ha-1·a-1 和0.49t·ha-1·a-1。排放强度最大的四个盟市是呼和浩特、通辽、赤峰和包头市。(6)在Kaya模型的基础上,本文对影响内蒙古农业源温室气体排放各因素进行分析,得出农业经济发展是影响内蒙古地区农业源碳排放最主要的原因,其次是人口数量的影响和产业结构的影响,以上因素均是导致内蒙古地区农业温室气体排放量不断增加的社会原因。(7)内蒙古各盟市农业CH_4和N2O的空间分布情况与各盟市的农林牧渔业总产值和各盟市的人口数量呈显著相关。内蒙古东部地区的农牧业快速发展是影响CH_4和N2O的空间分布的最主要影响因素,其次人口数量的增加也对各盟市CH_4和N2O排放分布产生影响。
[Abstract]:The greenhouse gas emitted from agricultural sources is an important source of total greenhouse gas emissions in China. The emission of greenhouse gases from agricultural sources at the provincial level is estimated, and the rule of its emission is analyzed. It is of great significance to further propose emission reduction measures in accordance with the actual situation in various regions of our country. In this paper, the CH_4 and N _ 2O emissions from agricultural sources in Inner Mongolia in 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2014 were estimated and analyzed using the methods recommended in the guidelines for the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories at the provincial level. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the total agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2014 were 30.6514 million t CO2eq,3424.40 10,000 t C02eq, respectively. 34.7468 million t C02eq and 34.8219 million t C02eq. (2) CH_4 emission from animal intestinal fermentation is the most important source of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sources in Inner Mongolia, with emissions of 19.1627 million t C02eq and 21.2766 million t C02eq in four years, respectively. 21.3446 million t C02eq and 21.4726 million t C02 eq; The emission of N _ 2O from agricultural land is another important source of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in Inner Mongolia, with emissions of 5.0994 million tC02eq, 6.3031 million tC02eq, 6.521 million tC02eq and 6.9445 million tC02eq; in four years, respectively. In the past four years, the emissions of N 鈮,
[Abstract]:The greenhouse gas emitted from agricultural sources is an important source of total greenhouse gas emissions in China. The emission of greenhouse gases from agricultural sources at the provincial level is estimated, and the rule of its emission is analyzed. It is of great significance to further propose emission reduction measures in accordance with the actual situation in various regions of our country. In this paper, the CH_4 and N _ 2O emissions from agricultural sources in Inner Mongolia in 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2014 were estimated and analyzed using the methods recommended in the guidelines for the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories at the provincial level. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the total agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2014 were 30.6514 million t CO2eq,3424.40 10,000 t C02eq, respectively. 34.7468 million t C02eq and 34.8219 million t C02eq. (2) CH_4 emission from animal intestinal fermentation is the most important source of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural sources in Inner Mongolia, with emissions of 19.1627 million t C02eq and 21.2766 million t C02eq in four years, respectively. 21.3446 million t C02eq and 21.4726 million t C02 eq; The emission of N _ 2O from agricultural land is another important source of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in Inner Mongolia, with emissions of 5.0994 million tC02eq, 6.3031 million tC02eq, 6.521 million tC02eq and 6.9445 million tC02eq; in four years, respectively. In the past four years, the emissions of N 鈮,