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发布时间:2019-05-25 04:40
[Abstract]:In order to explore the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of soil salt in the Yellow River Delta under artificial reclamation and natural conditions, to realize the efficient development of reserve land resources in the Yellow River Delta, to ensure ecological and environmental security, and to deduce time succession by spatial transformation, Along the direction of the Yellow River entering the sea, a sampling zone was arranged at the mouth of the Yellow River from Beisong Town to the Yellow River Delta Reserve in Lijin County to study the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of soil salt under local typical crops (wheat, cotton, rice) and natural conditions. 28 main sampling areas were randomly selected and 140 sample points were collected. 20cm was used as 1 soil layer to determine the soil salt content in 0-100cm soil layer. The results showed that the average salt content of 0-20cm soil in the whole study area was 3.58 g 路kg ~ (- 1), which was significantly higher than that in 60-100cm soil layer (p0.05). It belonged to moderately salinized soil and showed strong anisotropy (CV=131%) in space, with the increase of soil depth. The spatial variation of salt content among different land use types decreased. The spatial distribution characteristics of soil salt profile reflect the synergistic influence of artificial reclamation and natural conditions. The surface accumulation salt profile is mainly distributed near the seaside end of the sampling zone (83. 3% of the alluvial area after 1972). The crops were mainly low-yield cotton fields and natural vegetation, 85.7% of the natural vegetation and 45.5% of cotton were the surface accumulation type, and the average type was mainly distributed in the middle and inland areas of the sampling zone. Before 1855 and from 1855 to 1972, this kind of profile accounted for 40.0% respectively, and the crops were mainly rice, wheat and beach. The bottom accumulation type was mainly distributed in the inland area of the sampling zone. Before 1855, this kind of profile accounted for 31.3%, mainly agricultural field, cotton, wheat, rice balanced distribution. The random factors such as artificial reclamation management and vegetation type are the main reasons for the variation of soil salt content in 0-80cm soil layer. with the increase of soil depth, the influence of random factors is weakened, and the influence of structural factors such as topography and groundwater level is enhanced. Based on the spatial distribution of salt, the zoning map of crop layout can be used as a reference for the rational development and utilization of saline soil resources in the Yellow River Delta. This study reveals the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of soil salt under reclamation and natural conditions. from beach to inland, soil salt profile changes from surface accumulation type to bottom accumulation type, and artificial reclamation can reduce the degree of soil salinization to a certain extent. However, man-made reclamation and soil salinization are causality and advance each other.
【作者单位】: 青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院;


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