发布时间:2019-06-01 13:03
【摘要】:为探究鸡公山自然保护区典型林分生态系统凋落物量及季节动态,于2013年4月至2014年3月,采用凋落物收集器法对鸡公山4种植被类型凋落物量及组成进行研究。结果表明:年凋落量排名为落叶阔叶林(8.43 t/hm~2)针阔混交林(8.15 t/hm~2)马尾松纯林(7.73 t/hm~2)杉木纯林(7.19 t/hm~2);各植被类型均以落叶为主,占50%~71%,表现为落叶落枝落果落花;各植被类型月凋落量均呈双峰趋势,分别于7月左右和12月达到峰值;各组分凋落量月动态明显不同,落叶峰值在12月,占叶年凋落量的40%左右,落枝主要集中在7~10月,落花主要在4月,占花年凋落量的60%,而落果主要在10月,杉木纯林则在翌年2月达到峰值。不同植被类型凋落物量从一定程度上反映出植物的生物学特征和对干旱胁迫的适应性。
[Abstract]:In order to investigate the litter quantity and seasonal dynamics of typical stand ecosystem in Jigongshan Nature Reserve, the litter quantity and composition of four vegetation types in Jigong Mountain were studied by litter collector method from April 2013 to March 2014. The results showed that the annual litter fall was deciduous broad-leaf forest (8.43 t/hm~2) conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest (8.15 t/hm~2) Masson pine pure forest (7.73 t/hm~2) pure Chinese lanceolata forest (7.19 t/hm~2). All vegetation types were mainly deciduous, accounting for 50% 鈮,
[Abstract]:In order to investigate the litter quantity and seasonal dynamics of typical stand ecosystem in Jigongshan Nature Reserve, the litter quantity and composition of four vegetation types in Jigong Mountain were studied by litter collector method from April 2013 to March 2014. The results showed that the annual litter fall was deciduous broad-leaf forest (8.43 t/hm~2) conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest (8.15 t/hm~2) Masson pine pure forest (7.73 t/hm~2) pure Chinese lanceolata forest (7.19 t/hm~2). All vegetation types were mainly deciduous, accounting for 50% 鈮,