[Abstract]:At present, climate change caused by greenhouse gases is one of the most severe environmental problems facing the human society. Carbon emission is the main cause of climate change, and agriculture is an important source of carbon emission, and the regional agricultural carbon emission is becoming more and more remarkable. This paper, based on the view of environmental economics, has combed the domestic and foreign literature, and expounds the concept and the theory involved in the carbon emission of the article. On the basis of this, the system of agricultural carbon emission measurement and calculation is constructed reasonably, and the spatial and temporal evolution of China's agricultural carbon emission is analyzed, and the influence factors of LMDI (LMDI) model on China's agricultural carbon emission are further analyzed, and the carbon emission space panel Debin model is constructed. The spatial spillover effect of agricultural carbon emission in China was studied, and the policy suggestions for China's agricultural carbon emission reduction were put forward, with a view to providing reference for the policy development of China's agricultural carbon emission reduction. The main results of this paper are as follows: (1) The total amount of China's agricultural carbon emission experienced major fluctuations in the period 2000-2014, mainly represented by the four characteristics of the "Slow rise-fast-rise-drop-pick up", but the overall upward trend is still present; and the intensity of China's agricultural carbon emission shows a decreasing trend. and the carbon emission of the agricultural land utilization, the rice and the livestock breeding has increased in the past 15 years, and the proportion of the agricultural land utilization of the carbon emission shows a rising trend, In 31 provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous regions), the agricultural carbon emission of the 31 provinces (directly under the Central Government and the autonomous region) shows the distribution pattern of the "Center-periphery", and the provinces in which the agricultural carbon emission amount is more is mainly distributed in the large agricultural provinces such as the Sichuan Basin and the Eastern Plain. The traditional agricultural production activity pattern of Chinese "high input", "high emission" and "low-benefit" still exists. (2) The influencing factors of China's agricultural carbon emission were analyzed by using the LMDI (Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index) model, and the driving factors and the growth mechanism of China's agricultural carbon emission were analyzed quantitatively. Among them, the increase of agricultural economic growth and the level of urbanization promoted the increase of carbon emission, the improvement of agricultural production efficiency, the optimization of agricultural industrial structure and the increase of the level of the labor culture, and the increase of carbon emission was restrained. (3) The spatial correlation test shows that the agricultural carbon emission in 31 provinces (directly under the Central Government and the autonomous region) of China shows strong positive correlation and spatial agglomeration characteristics in the space. The results of the empirical study show that the level of economic development, the level of agricultural economic development, the level of urbanization and the extent to which the agricultural production is affected have the effect of increasing the carbon emission in the region. and the level of the labor culture and the degree of agricultural ecological governance have the effect of carbon emission reduction; the economic development level of the region, the investment limit of the fixed assets of the agricultural fixed assets, the level of urbanization, the impact of the agricultural production and the degree of the ecological governance of the agriculture have a catalytic effect on the emission of the neighborhood agricultural carbon, The level of agricultural economic development can promote agricultural carbon emission reduction in the neighboring provinces. (4) Based on the results of the research, the policy of agricultural carbon emission reduction is put forward, with a view to providing a theoretical basis for the development of relevant sectoral policies. The method comprises the following steps of: coordinating the relationship between the economic growth and the carbon emission, changing the agricultural production mode, adjusting the agricultural structure, optimizing the agricultural industrial layout, increasing the investment of the agricultural fixed assets, improving the technical level, improving the agricultural production efficiency, improving the quality of the agricultural workers and cultivating the low-carbon agricultural consciousness; To set up an early warning mechanism of agriculture, to strengthen the degree of ecological governance, to improve the ecological protection of agricultural land resources, to strengthen the function of the carbon and foreign exchange of agricultural land, to strengthen the support of fiscal and taxation, to set up an ecological compensation system, to levy carbon tax and to establish a trading system of agricultural carbon market, And promote the initiative of carbon emission reduction of each market main body, and the like.
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