[Abstract]:Nomuraya rileyi, a kind of insect-borne fungus capable of infecting various lepidopteran insect pests, is highly valued by people in the field. But the conditions required for the production of the conidia are more severe as the main active components of the insect-killing main active components of the Lehlet, thereby limiting the large-scale production and the large-scale application. the scientific research team of the wang zhongkang of the university of chongqing, using the induction method of the microsclerotium of the plant pathogenic fungi, successfully induced the culture of the bacterial micro-sclerotium of the lehlet, which can replace the infection body structure which can replace the traditional conidia, A comparative transcriptome was used to study the mechanism of the formation of the micro-sclerotium in the field of Lehlet's field from the aspect of molecular biology. It was found that when the induction medium (AM) was optimized, it was found that the addition of different concentration of Ca2 + could significantly affect the yield of the microsclerotia. In this paper, the relationship between calcium and calcium channel suppressor (CCI) gene was selected to study the relationship between calcium and calcium channel suppressor (CCI) gene. The main results of the study were as follows: The mycelium mass in the AM medium without Ca2 + was not increased, the number of hyphae was reduced by 34.4%, and the hyphae were loose, the edges were loose and the hyphae were dispersed. the accumulation of the purple brown pigment is obviously reduced; but the statistical biomass is found that the addition of Ca2 + has no obvious effect on the fermentation biomass, and the full-length sequence and the genome sequence of the c DNA of the ncx and the cci are obtained by using the common PCR method according to the EST sequence of the comparative transcriptome NCX and the CCI, The open reading frame (ORF) is 3006 bp and 405 bp, respectively, and each encodes 1001 and 134 amino acids. NCX and CCI found that the molecular weight of NCX-encoded protein was 109.563k Da, which was mainly composed of microspiral and random crimp, with a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.98, no signal peptide, but a transmembrane domain; the molecular weight of the CCI-encoded protein was 13.63 k Da, which was mainly composed of a spiral-type spiral, The theoretical isoelectric point was 7.5, without a transmembrane domain, but with a signal peptide with a signal peptide of 1 to 16 amino acids. The relationship between NCX and CCI protein and Metarhizium anisopliae was found by using the homologous comparison and phylogenetic analysis of Clustal X and MEGA4.0. The expression patterns of NCX and CCI were analyzed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (q-PCR). The expression of NCX and CCI in the microsclerotia was significantly increased (48-72 h) at the initial stage of the formation of microsclerotia, and reached the maximum at 72 h. The expression of CCI was gradually decreased in the process of microsclerotium maturation (72-120 h), and the expression of CCI was gradually increased at the development stage of microsclerotia (48-120 h) and reached the maximum at 120 h. This indicates that both the NCX and CCI are involved in the formation of the microsclerotium, but the control of the two is different, and the NCX plays an important role in the initiation and development of the formation of the microsclerotia, and the CCI is mainly expressed at the late stage of the microsclerotia, and may be involved in the process of microsclerotium maturation. The functions of NCX and CCI were studied by RNA interference (RNAi): the optimal interference concentration of NCX and CCI was 400n M, and the interference efficiency was 55.5% and 93.6%, respectively. The expression of the gene found that the expression of CCI increased by 2.1 times after interfering with the NCX gene, and the expression of the NCX after interfering with the CCI gene increased by 5.3 times; on the solid medium, the colony morphology of the NCX and CCI-interfering strains with respect to the wild-type (WT) and the negative control (EGFP) was reduced, The time delay of sporulation was 60.6% and 88.2%, respectively. In the micro-sclerotium liquid-induced culture medium AM, the morphology and the size of the micro-sclerotium of the NCX and CCI-interfering strains were not uniform, and the viscosity of the AM culture medium was significantly reduced, and no purple-brown pigment was accumulated. The results of the statistical analysis of the microsclerotia showed that the number of microsclerotia formed by the interfering strain decreased dramatically, and the number of microsclerotia was 81.8 and 90.4%, respectively, as compared to the control strain. At the same time, the biomass in the culture solution was counted, and the biomass of the NCX and CCI interference strains was found to be 25.8% and 30.5%, respectively. The effects of NCX and CCI on the virulence of each strain were determined by the inoculation of the microsclerotium produced by the inoculation with the drip-inoculation method to the skin of the three-instar-old Spodoptera litura. The results showed that the strain of the interfering strain on the larvae of the Spodoptera litura was reduced by 4.45% and 6.1%, respectively. LT50 has been extended by more than 2d. Conclusion: The NCX and CCI genes of the NCX and CCI genes are involved in the formation of microsclerotia. The NCX is mainly involved in the initiation of the formation of microsclerotia and the process of microsclerotium development. The CCI gene is mainly involved in the process of microsclerotia. The NCX and CCI genes not only affect the formation of the microsclerotia, It also has a significant effect on the production of the conidia and the virulence of the strains of the strains of the strains of the field, but the mechanism of its influence also needs to be further studied.
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