[Abstract]:In order to improve farmland water management and reduce the influence of waterlogging damage on crops, an intelligent early warning system for farmland waterlogging damage based on field water accumulation and crop root area water information monitoring was developed. The system is composed of water information sensor, data acquisition and wireless transmission module, data processing module, farmland waterlogging prediction and disaster result release module. The system can realize the continuous monitoring of farmland water accumulation and soil moisture status, and transmit the farmland real-time moisture information to the data processing terminal through wireless transmission system. According to the decision support system of the prediction part of the system, the farmland waterlogging damage can be evaluated and predicted. On the basis of field experiment, the related parameters in the mathematical model of the prediction module of the system are determined, and the method suitable for farmland waterlogging assessment and prediction is put forward. The field application results show that the real-time monitoring results and early warning accuracy can meet the needs of farmland water management, and the monitoring part of the system is small and light, the interface of the early warning terminal is friendly, the operation is simple, and the practical value is high. It has a significant effect on improving the management level of local drainage and reducing the influence of farmland waterlogging on agricultural production.
【作者单位】: 西安理工大学水资源研究所;中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所;
【基金】:“十二五”农村领域国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAD12B05) 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0403204)
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