[Abstract]:Ammonia emission from livestock manure not only pollutes the environment, but also reduces the nitrogen content of organic fertilizer during high temperature aerobic composting. Therefore, controlling ammonia volatilization in aerobic composting is the key to reduce nitrogen loss and reduce the stench of the surrounding environment. In order to study the effect of membrane mulching on ammonia volatilization in aerobic composting of livestock and poultry manure, a 27-day aerobic composting experiment was carried out in a laboratory aerobic composting reactor system with pig manure and wheat straw as experimental raw materials and Gore membrane with selected permeability as covering material. In the experiment, the film coating group and the control group were opened for 1 hour and closed for 1 hour. The ventilation rate was 3 L / min. The reactor temperature, oxygen concentration and NH3 emission rate in the composting process were monitored. The results showed that the duration of high temperature period in the film mulching group was slightly longer than that in the control group, which was more beneficial to kill harmful pathogens in the heap; compared with the control group, the NH3 emission in the film coating group decreased by 18.87%; compared with the time when the temperature peak appeared, the peak NH3 peak time in both groups was delayed, and the delay time in the film mulching group was longer.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学工学院;青海藏地堂生物科技开发有限公司;UTV
【基金】:国家国际科技合作专项(2015DFA90370) 欧盟框架计划项目(690142)
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