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发布时间:2021-04-29 21:18
  绿肥作物对降低化肥用量以及提高土壤肥力具有重要作用。但绿肥对稻田温室气体排放的影响及其机制尚不清楚。为此,基于双季稻区两个长期定位试验(水稻种植制度定位试验和水稻有机肥定位试验),于2018年和2019年分析了绿肥对水稻产量、温室气体排放、产甲烷菌与甲烷氧化菌等土壤微生物群落的影响,以及紫云英与秸秆还田的互作效应。水稻种植制度定位试验位于湖南省祁阳县,始于1982年,设置黑麦草-水稻-水稻(Ry)、紫云英-水稻-水稻(Mv)、油菜-水稻-水稻(Rp)以及冬闲-水稻-水稻(Fa)4个处理;有机肥定位试验位于江西省进贤县,始于1981年,设置全量化肥(100%NPK)、减量化肥+紫云英(NPK+Mv)、减量化肥+紫云英+稻秸还田(NPK+Mv+S)以及不施肥对照(CK)4个处理。本文主要研究结果如下:冬种绿肥还田对早稻产量及稻田温室气体(Greenhouse gas,GHG)排放的影响高于晚稻。与Fa相比,Mv、Rp和Ry处理的水稻周年产量分别显著提高19.91%、14.45%和10.65%;Ry和Rp处理的周年甲烷排放分别显著提高116.73%和52.45%,但Mv处理则降低16.33%... 


【文章页数】:101 页


CHAPTER 1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Problem statement
    1.3 Research questions
    1.4 Hypothesis
    1.5 Research framework
    1.6 Objectives
    1.7 Justification
    1.8 Project components
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Overview of rice production in China
    2.2 Classification and description of green manure
    2.3 Impact of green manure on soil properties and rice yield
        2.3.1 Soil properties
        2.3.2 Soil microbial communities
        2.3.3 Rice yield
    2.4 Microbial processes and molecular ecology of microorganism affiliated withmethane emissions
        2.4.1 Methanogenesis and methane oxidation
        2.4.2 Molecular ecology of microorganism affiliated with methane emissions
    2.5 Effects of green manuring and N fertilization on GHG emissions
        2.5.1 Effects of green manuring on GHG emissions
        2.5.2 Effects of chemical N fertilization on GHG emissions
CHAPTER 3 Materials and Methods
    3.1 Site description
    3.2 Experimental design and crop management practices
    3.3 Gas sampling
    3.4 Soil sampling and determination
    3.5 Yield and N uptake determination
    3.6 GHG emission calculations
    3.7 Microbial assays
        3.7.1 DNA extraction
        3.7.2 qPCR
        3.7.3 Sequencing
    3.8 Statistical analysis
CHAPTER 4 Impacts of Green Manure on Rice Productivity and GHG Emissions
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Materials and methods
    4.3 Results
        4.3.1 Green manure biomass and C/N ratio
        4.3.2 Rice productivity
        4.3.3 CH_4 emissions
        4.3.4 N_2O emissions
        4.3.5 Area-scaled and yield-scaled GHG emissions
    4.4 Discussion
        4.4.1 Impacts of green manuring on rice productivity
        4.4.2 Effects of green manuring on CH_4 emissions
        4.4.3 Effects of green manuring on N_2O emissions
        4.4.4 Area- and yield-scaled GHG emissions
    4.5 Summary
CHAPTER 5 Impacts of Green Manure on the Belowground
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Materials and methods
    5.3 Results
        5.3.1 Soil properties
        5.3.2 Plant N uptake
        5.3.3 Gene abundance of methanogen and methanotroph
        5.3.4 Community composition of methanogens and methanotrophs
    5.4 Discussion
    5.5 Summary
CHAPTER 6 Impacts of Green Manure and Straw on Rice Yield and GHG Emissions
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Materials and methods
    6.3 Results
        6.3.1 Soil physico-chemical properties and bacteria
        6.3.2 CH_4 and N_2O emissions
        6.3.3 Rice yield, area- and yield-scaled GHG emissions
    6.4 Discussion
        6.4.1 Impacts of green manure and straw mulch on soil properties and bacterialcommunity structure
        6.4.2 Impacts of green manure and straw mulch on CH_4 and N_2O emissions
        6.4.3 Impacts of green manure and straw mulch on rice yield and total emission
    6.5 Summary
CHAPTER 7 General Discussion and Conclusions
    7.1 General discussion
    7.2 Conclusions
    7.3 Recommendations
Authors Resume

[1]Substitution of chemical fertilizer by Chinese milk vetch improves the sustainability of yield and accumulation of soil organic carbon in a double-rice cropping system[J]. ZHOU Xing,LU Yan-hong,LIAO Yu-lin,ZHU Qi-dong,CHENG Hui-dan,NIE Xin,CAO Wei-dong,NIE Jun.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2019(10)
[2]Moderate wetting and drying increases rice yield and reduces water use,grain arsenic level,and methane emission[J]. Jianchang Yang,Qun Zhou,Jianhua Zhang.  The Crop Journal. 2017(02)
[3]Food legume production in China[J]. Ling Li,Tao Yang,Rong Liu,Bob Redden,Fouad Maalouf,Xuxiao Zong.  The Crop Journal. 2017(02)
[4]Cropping system innovation for coping with climatic warming in China[J]. Aixing Deng,Changqing Chen,Jinfei Feng,Jin Chen,Weijian Zhang.  The Crop Journal. 2017(02)
[5]CH4 and N2O emissions from double-rice cropping system as affected by Chinese milk vetch and straw incorporation in southern China[J]. Heshui XU,Dengyun LI,Bo ZHU,Kai ZHANG,Yadong YANG,Chen WANG,Ying JIANG,Zhaohai ZENG.  Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 2017(01)
[6]Winter cover crops alter methanotrophs community structure in a double-rice paddy soil[J]. LIU Jing-na,ZHU Bo,YI Li-xia,DAI Hong-cui,XU He-shui,ZHANG Kai,HU Yue-gao,ZENG Zhao-hai.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2016(03)
[7]Super Rice Cropping Will Enhance Rice Yield and Reduce CH4 Emission:A Case Study in Nanjing,China[J]. JIANG Yu,WANG Li-li,YAN Xiao-jun,TIAN Yun-lu,DENG Ai-xing,ZHANG Wei-jian.  Rice Science. 2013(06)




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