中国南北样带天然林转变为人工林对土壤、C,N和 13 C、 15 N丰度的影响
发布时间:2022-02-24 14:45
土壤是全球陆地生态系统的主要碳汇之一。土壤碳(C)与土壤氮(N)有着密切相关,土壤氮的动态可以调节陆地碳的固存。因此,更好地了解森林土壤C和N平衡,全球和区域尺度上将天然林(NF)转换为人工林(PF)如何改变土壤C和N周转对于预测和提高陆地生态系统碳汇具有重要意义。森林土壤储存了大量的陆地碳,同时森林不合理的土地利用变化(LUC)能够导致大量CO2排放。此外,天然林转变为人工林能够显著影响土壤团聚体组成及其C和N库储量响。目前,有关LUC对土壤团聚体C、N储量的影响仍存在一定的不确定性,即提高、降低或无显著变化。因此,进一步开展天然林转变为人工林对土壤团聚体组成、土壤C和N含量以及不同大小土壤团聚体13C和15N丰度影响因素和机理十分必要。本研究以中国南北样带上相距大约4000公里的6个地区(漠河MH、清原QY、信阳XY、会同HT、鼎湖山DH和尖峰岭JF)的天然林和人工林为研究对象,测定了土壤全土和7个等级土壤团聚体C和N含量,13C and 15N同位素丰度。研究目的:i)天然林转变为人工林对土壤C和N储量潜力的影响;ii)不同气候带条件下,森林转变对土壤C和N...
【文章页数】:101 页
Appendix List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Background and problem statement
1.2 Objectives and hypotheses of the study
1.2.1 Objectives
1.2.2 Hypothesis of the study
1.3 Thesis Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Land use change
2.2. Soil organic carbon stock
2.2.1 Important controls on C dynamics
2.2.2 Factors which influence soil organic carbon stock
2.3 Isotope composition
2.3.1 Stable isotope
2.3.2 Natural abundance
2.4 Soil aggregate
2.4.1 Soil aggregate stability
2.4.2 Roles of aggregation factors in the stability of aggregates
2.4.3 Soil aggregation
Chapter 3 Variability of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks after conversion of natural forestto plantations in Eastern China
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods
3.2.1 Study site and soil sampling
3.2.2 Statistical analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Soil C and N stocks
3.3.2 Relationship between soil C, N stocks, and underlying factors
3.4 Discussion
3.4.1 Effects of land-use change on soil C and N stock
3.4.2 Effects of soil depth on soil C and N stock
3.4.3 Effects of bulk density and soil p H on soil C and N stock
3.4.4 Effects of elevation and stand age on soil C and N stock
3.4.5 Effects of forest management on soil C and N stock
3.4.6 Effects of climate factors on soil C and N stock
3.4.7 Correlation between C and N stock
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Effects of Land Use Change from Natural Forest to Plantation on C, N andNatural Abundance of 13C and 15N along a Climate Gradient in Eastern China
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and methods
4.2.1 Study sites and soil sampling
4.2.2 Soil C and N contents, and δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N analysis
4.2.3 Statistical analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Carbon and nitrogen contents, and C/N ratios in forest floor and mineral soils
4.3.2 The natural abundance of 13C and 15N in forest floor and mineral soils
4.3.3 Relationships of climatic factors to C and N contents, C/N ratios and δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Effects of forest conversion on carbon and nitrogen contents, and C/N ratios in forestfloor and mineral soils
4.4.2 Effects of forest conversion on natural abundance of 13C and 15N in forest floor andmineral soils
4.4.3 Effects of climatic factors on carbon, nitrogen and their isotopic abundances
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Stable Isotopic Signatures of Carbon and Nitrogen in Soil Aggregates FollowingConversion of Natural Forests to Managed Plantations in Eastern China
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Materials and methods
5.2.1 Study site and sampling
5.2.2 Soil aggregate fractionation
5.2.3 Soil C, N concentrations and natural abundance of 13C and 15N analysis
5.2.4 Statistical analysis
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Mass proportion of soil aggregate size fractions
5.3.2 Soil C and N dynamics in soil aggregates
5.3.3 Values of δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N in forest floor litter and soil aggregates
5.3.4 Relationships among soil C and N concentrations, soil δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N, and MAT andMAP
5.4 Discussion
5.4.1 Land use change effects
5.4.2 Variance among site locations
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6 General conclusions and prospects for further research
6.1 General conclusions
6.1.1 Variability of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks after conversion of natural forest toplantations in eastern China
6.1.2 Effects of land use change from natural forest to plantation on C, N and naturalabundance of 13C and 15N along a climate gradient in eastern China
6.1.3 Stable Isotopic Signatures of Carbon and Nitrogen in Soil Aggregates FollowingConversion of Natural Forests to Managed Plantations in Eastern China
6.2. Prospects for further research
Published Papers and other Academic Achievements during the Program
Published papers
Under review
【文章页数】:101 页
Appendix List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Background and problem statement
1.2 Objectives and hypotheses of the study
1.2.1 Objectives
1.2.2 Hypothesis of the study
1.3 Thesis Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Land use change
2.2. Soil organic carbon stock
2.2.1 Important controls on C dynamics
2.2.2 Factors which influence soil organic carbon stock
2.3 Isotope composition
2.3.1 Stable isotope
2.3.2 Natural abundance
2.4 Soil aggregate
2.4.1 Soil aggregate stability
2.4.2 Roles of aggregation factors in the stability of aggregates
2.4.3 Soil aggregation
Chapter 3 Variability of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks after conversion of natural forestto plantations in Eastern China
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods
3.2.1 Study site and soil sampling
3.2.2 Statistical analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Soil C and N stocks
3.3.2 Relationship between soil C, N stocks, and underlying factors
3.4 Discussion
3.4.1 Effects of land-use change on soil C and N stock
3.4.2 Effects of soil depth on soil C and N stock
3.4.3 Effects of bulk density and soil p H on soil C and N stock
3.4.4 Effects of elevation and stand age on soil C and N stock
3.4.5 Effects of forest management on soil C and N stock
3.4.6 Effects of climate factors on soil C and N stock
3.4.7 Correlation between C and N stock
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Effects of Land Use Change from Natural Forest to Plantation on C, N andNatural Abundance of 13C and 15N along a Climate Gradient in Eastern China
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials and methods
4.2.1 Study sites and soil sampling
4.2.2 Soil C and N contents, and δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N analysis
4.2.3 Statistical analysis
4.3 Results
4.3.1 Carbon and nitrogen contents, and C/N ratios in forest floor and mineral soils
4.3.2 The natural abundance of 13C and 15N in forest floor and mineral soils
4.3.3 Relationships of climatic factors to C and N contents, C/N ratios and δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Effects of forest conversion on carbon and nitrogen contents, and C/N ratios in forestfloor and mineral soils
4.4.2 Effects of forest conversion on natural abundance of 13C and 15N in forest floor andmineral soils
4.4.3 Effects of climatic factors on carbon, nitrogen and their isotopic abundances
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Stable Isotopic Signatures of Carbon and Nitrogen in Soil Aggregates FollowingConversion of Natural Forests to Managed Plantations in Eastern China
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Materials and methods
5.2.1 Study site and sampling
5.2.2 Soil aggregate fractionation
5.2.3 Soil C, N concentrations and natural abundance of 13C and 15N analysis
5.2.4 Statistical analysis
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Mass proportion of soil aggregate size fractions
5.3.2 Soil C and N dynamics in soil aggregates
5.3.3 Values of δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N in forest floor litter and soil aggregates
5.3.4 Relationships among soil C and N concentrations, soil δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N, and MAT andMAP
5.4 Discussion
5.4.1 Land use change effects
5.4.2 Variance among site locations
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6 General conclusions and prospects for further research
6.1 General conclusions
6.1.1 Variability of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks after conversion of natural forest toplantations in eastern China
6.1.2 Effects of land use change from natural forest to plantation on C, N and naturalabundance of 13C and 15N along a climate gradient in eastern China
6.1.3 Stable Isotopic Signatures of Carbon and Nitrogen in Soil Aggregates FollowingConversion of Natural Forests to Managed Plantations in Eastern China
6.2. Prospects for further research
Published Papers and other Academic Achievements during the Program
Published papers
Under review