发布时间:2022-12-11 02:44
【文章页数】:184 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1.Research background
1.2.Literature review
1.2.1.Selenium bioavailability in soil
1.2.2.Effects of soil properties on Se bioavailability
1.2.3.Assessment of Se bioavailability in soil-plant system
1.2.4.Effect of manure amendments on Se bioavailability
1.2.5.Biogeochemistry of selenium at the soil-root interface
1.3.Research content
1.4.Main research outline
Chapter 2 Effect of cow and chicken manure amendments on selenium fraction transformation and its bioavailability during aging process of exogenous selenite species
2.2.Materials and methods
2.2.1.Soil and organic amendment and their physiochemical properties
2.2.2.Soil incubation
2.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
2.2.4.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis
2.2.5.Quality control and statistical analysis
2.3.1.Soil pH and DOC during aging process
2.3.2.Se fraction and distribution during aging process
2.3.3.The dynamic changes of available Se during aging
2.3.4.Dynamic changes in the OM-Se fraction during aging
2.3.5.FTIR spectra characteristics of DOM
2.4.1.Effect of DOC and pH on Se availability
2.4.2.The speciation transformation of available-Se and potential available Se during aging
Chapter 3 Effect of cow and chicken manure amendments on selenium fraction transformation and its bioavailability during aging process of exogenous selenate species
3.2.Materials and methods
3.2.1.Soil and organic amendment and their physiochemical properties
3.2.2.Soil incubation
3.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
3.2.4.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis
3.2.5.Statistical analysis
3.3.1.Soil pH and DOC during aging process
3.3.2.Se fraction and distribution during the aging
3.3.3.The dynamic changes of available Se during aging
3.3.4.Dynamic changes in the OM-Se fraction during aging
3.3.5.FTIR spectra characteristics of DOM
3.4.1.Effect of DOC and pH on Se availability
3.4.2.The speciation transformation of available-Se and potential available Se during aging
Chapter 4 Effect of manure amendments and root-induced changes on Se fractionation and plant uptake of Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss
4.2.Materials and methods
4.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
4.2.2.Experiment design
4.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
4.2.4.Plant analyses
4.2.5.Quality control and statistical analysis
4.3.1.Interactive effects of manure and plant root on soil pH
4.3.2.Interactive effects of manure and plant root on soil DOC
4.3.3.Distribution of Se fraction in the rhizosphere,bulk and unplanted soil
4.3.4.Interactive effects of manure and plant root on selenium species
4.3.5.Se uptake by plants
4.4.1.The role of pH and DOC in determining the bioavailability of Se
4.4.2.Effect of manure and plant root on Se fraction and speciation
4.4.3.Effect of manure and plant roots on Se uptake by Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss
Chapter 5 Role of organic manure and the rhizosphere processes in determining the bioavailability of selenium in the soil-plant system
5.2.Materials and methods
5.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
5.2.2.Experiment design
5.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
5.2.4.Plant analyses
5.2.5.Selenium mobility and transfer to plant
5.2.6.Quality control and statistical analysis
5.3.1.Effect of organic manure and the rhizosphere processes on soil pH
5.3.2.Effect of organic manure and the rhizosphere processes on the quantity and quality of soil DOC
5.3.3.Selenium available and its distribution in the rhizosphere and unplanted soil
5.3.4.Se uptake by plants
5.4.1.Effect of organic manure and the rhizosphere process on Se bioavailability
5.4.2.Effect of manure and plant roots on Se uptake by Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss
Chapter 6 DGT and DOM-Se species extracted by selective extractions:Performance evaluation for the measurement of selenite in the soil-plant system with manure application
6.2.Materials and methods
6.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
6.2.2.Pot experiment design
6.2.3.Chemical extraction
6.2.4.DGT and soil solution measurements
6.2.5.Data analysis
6.3.1.Plant growth in response to cow and chicken manure addition
6.3.2.Plant selenium uptake
6.3.3.Labile Se in soils assessed by selective extractions
6.3.4.Labile Se in soils assessed by DGT technique
6.3.5.Relationship of plant Se concentration with CDGT and DOM-Se species
6.4.1.Biomass and Se contents of Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss with adding manure and selenite
6.4.2.Effect of manure on the fate of labile DOM-Se-extracted by selective extraction
6.4.3.Effect of manure on the resupply of Se from soil solid phase to soil solution
6.4.4.Se bioavailability assessment by DGT techniques and DOM-Se-extracted species
Chapter 7 DGT and DOM-Se species extracted by selective extractions:Performance evaluation for the measurement of selenate in the soil-plant system with manure application
7.2.Materials and methods
7.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
7.2.2.Pot experiment design
7.2.3.Chemical extraction
7.2.4.DGT and soil solution measurements
7.2.5.Data analysis
7.3.1.Biomass and Se contents of Chinese mustard after adding organic materials into soils
7.3.2.Labile Se in soils assessed by selective extractions
7.3.3.Labile Se in soils assessed by DGT technique
7.3.4.Relationship of plant Se concentration with CDGT and DOM-Se species
7.4.1.Biomass and Se contents of Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss with adding manure and selenate
7.4.2.Effect of manure on the fate of labile DOM-Se-extracted by selective extraction
7.4.3.Effect of manure on the resupply of Se from soil solid phase to soil solution
7.4.4.Se bioavailability assessment by DGT techniques and DOM-Se-extracted species
Chapter 8 Mobilization of selenium from seleniferous soil by organic acids
8.2.Materials and methods
8.2.1.Soil samples and characterization
8.2.2.Experiment design
8.2.3.Data analysis
8.3.1.Selenium released from seleniferous soil by LMWOAs
8.3.2.Iron released from seleniferous soil by LMWOAs
Chapter 9 Conclusion and future perspectives
9.1.General conclusion
[1]我国18种不同理化性质的土壤对硒酸盐的吸附解吸作用研究[J]. 冯璞阳,李哲,者渝芸,黄杰,梁东丽. 环境科学. 2016(08)
[2]海南岛农田土壤Se的地球化学特征[J]. 杨忠芳,余涛,侯青叶,杨奕,傅杨荣,赵相雷. 现代地质. 2012(05)
[3]基于路径分析的土壤性质与硒形态的关系[J]. 王松山,梁东丽,魏威,王丹. 土壤学报. 2011(04)
[4]海南省土壤中硒含量及影响因素分析[J]. 徐文,唐文浩,邝春兰,罗桂强. 安徽农业科学. 2010(06)
[5]烤烟苗期含硒量和根际硒形态的研究[J]. 秦恩华,杨兰芳. 作物学报. 2008(03)
[6]木质纤维素分解菌复合系WSC-6分解稻秆过程中的产物及pH动态[J]. 王伟东,王小芬,刘长莉,李玉花,吕育财,崔宗均. 环境科学. 2008(01)
[7]张家口克山病地区土壤硒的地球化学形态研究[J]. 葛晓立,李家熙,万国江,张光弟,张忠. 岩矿测试. 2000(04)
[8]烤烟根圈土壤硒含量和形态的研究[J]. 杨兰芳. 湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版). 1997(06)
【文章页数】:184 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1.Research background
1.2.Literature review
1.2.1.Selenium bioavailability in soil
1.2.2.Effects of soil properties on Se bioavailability
1.2.3.Assessment of Se bioavailability in soil-plant system
1.2.4.Effect of manure amendments on Se bioavailability
1.2.5.Biogeochemistry of selenium at the soil-root interface
1.3.Research content
1.4.Main research outline
Chapter 2 Effect of cow and chicken manure amendments on selenium fraction transformation and its bioavailability during aging process of exogenous selenite species
2.2.Materials and methods
2.2.1.Soil and organic amendment and their physiochemical properties
2.2.2.Soil incubation
2.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
2.2.4.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis
2.2.5.Quality control and statistical analysis
2.3.1.Soil pH and DOC during aging process
2.3.2.Se fraction and distribution during aging process
2.3.3.The dynamic changes of available Se during aging
2.3.4.Dynamic changes in the OM-Se fraction during aging
2.3.5.FTIR spectra characteristics of DOM
2.4.1.Effect of DOC and pH on Se availability
2.4.2.The speciation transformation of available-Se and potential available Se during aging
Chapter 3 Effect of cow and chicken manure amendments on selenium fraction transformation and its bioavailability during aging process of exogenous selenate species
3.2.Materials and methods
3.2.1.Soil and organic amendment and their physiochemical properties
3.2.2.Soil incubation
3.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
3.2.4.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis
3.2.5.Statistical analysis
3.3.1.Soil pH and DOC during aging process
3.3.2.Se fraction and distribution during the aging
3.3.3.The dynamic changes of available Se during aging
3.3.4.Dynamic changes in the OM-Se fraction during aging
3.3.5.FTIR spectra characteristics of DOM
3.4.1.Effect of DOC and pH on Se availability
3.4.2.The speciation transformation of available-Se and potential available Se during aging
Chapter 4 Effect of manure amendments and root-induced changes on Se fractionation and plant uptake of Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss
4.2.Materials and methods
4.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
4.2.2.Experiment design
4.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
4.2.4.Plant analyses
4.2.5.Quality control and statistical analysis
4.3.1.Interactive effects of manure and plant root on soil pH
4.3.2.Interactive effects of manure and plant root on soil DOC
4.3.3.Distribution of Se fraction in the rhizosphere,bulk and unplanted soil
4.3.4.Interactive effects of manure and plant root on selenium species
4.3.5.Se uptake by plants
4.4.1.The role of pH and DOC in determining the bioavailability of Se
4.4.2.Effect of manure and plant root on Se fraction and speciation
4.4.3.Effect of manure and plant roots on Se uptake by Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss
Chapter 5 Role of organic manure and the rhizosphere processes in determining the bioavailability of selenium in the soil-plant system
5.2.Materials and methods
5.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
5.2.2.Experiment design
5.2.3.Sequential extraction of soil selenium
5.2.4.Plant analyses
5.2.5.Selenium mobility and transfer to plant
5.2.6.Quality control and statistical analysis
5.3.1.Effect of organic manure and the rhizosphere processes on soil pH
5.3.2.Effect of organic manure and the rhizosphere processes on the quantity and quality of soil DOC
5.3.3.Selenium available and its distribution in the rhizosphere and unplanted soil
5.3.4.Se uptake by plants
5.4.1.Effect of organic manure and the rhizosphere process on Se bioavailability
5.4.2.Effect of manure and plant roots on Se uptake by Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss
Chapter 6 DGT and DOM-Se species extracted by selective extractions:Performance evaluation for the measurement of selenite in the soil-plant system with manure application
6.2.Materials and methods
6.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
6.2.2.Pot experiment design
6.2.3.Chemical extraction
6.2.4.DGT and soil solution measurements
6.2.5.Data analysis
6.3.1.Plant growth in response to cow and chicken manure addition
6.3.2.Plant selenium uptake
6.3.3.Labile Se in soils assessed by selective extractions
6.3.4.Labile Se in soils assessed by DGT technique
6.3.5.Relationship of plant Se concentration with CDGT and DOM-Se species
6.4.1.Biomass and Se contents of Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss with adding manure and selenite
6.4.2.Effect of manure on the fate of labile DOM-Se-extracted by selective extraction
6.4.3.Effect of manure on the resupply of Se from soil solid phase to soil solution
6.4.4.Se bioavailability assessment by DGT techniques and DOM-Se-extracted species
Chapter 7 DGT and DOM-Se species extracted by selective extractions:Performance evaluation for the measurement of selenate in the soil-plant system with manure application
7.2.Materials and methods
7.2.1.Soil and manure amendments and their physiochemical properties
7.2.2.Pot experiment design
7.2.3.Chemical extraction
7.2.4.DGT and soil solution measurements
7.2.5.Data analysis
7.3.1.Biomass and Se contents of Chinese mustard after adding organic materials into soils
7.3.2.Labile Se in soils assessed by selective extractions
7.3.3.Labile Se in soils assessed by DGT technique
7.3.4.Relationship of plant Se concentration with CDGT and DOM-Se species
7.4.1.Biomass and Se contents of Brassica juncea(L.)Czern.et Coss with adding manure and selenate
7.4.2.Effect of manure on the fate of labile DOM-Se-extracted by selective extraction
7.4.3.Effect of manure on the resupply of Se from soil solid phase to soil solution
7.4.4.Se bioavailability assessment by DGT techniques and DOM-Se-extracted species
Chapter 8 Mobilization of selenium from seleniferous soil by organic acids
8.2.Materials and methods
8.2.1.Soil samples and characterization
8.2.2.Experiment design
8.2.3.Data analysis
8.3.1.Selenium released from seleniferous soil by LMWOAs
8.3.2.Iron released from seleniferous soil by LMWOAs
Chapter 9 Conclusion and future perspectives
9.1.General conclusion
[1]我国18种不同理化性质的土壤对硒酸盐的吸附解吸作用研究[J]. 冯璞阳,李哲,者渝芸,黄杰,梁东丽. 环境科学. 2016(08)
[2]海南岛农田土壤Se的地球化学特征[J]. 杨忠芳,余涛,侯青叶,杨奕,傅杨荣,赵相雷. 现代地质. 2012(05)
[3]基于路径分析的土壤性质与硒形态的关系[J]. 王松山,梁东丽,魏威,王丹. 土壤学报. 2011(04)
[4]海南省土壤中硒含量及影响因素分析[J]. 徐文,唐文浩,邝春兰,罗桂强. 安徽农业科学. 2010(06)
[5]烤烟苗期含硒量和根际硒形态的研究[J]. 秦恩华,杨兰芳. 作物学报. 2008(03)
[6]木质纤维素分解菌复合系WSC-6分解稻秆过程中的产物及pH动态[J]. 王伟东,王小芬,刘长莉,李玉花,吕育财,崔宗均. 环境科学. 2008(01)
[7]张家口克山病地区土壤硒的地球化学形态研究[J]. 葛晓立,李家熙,万国江,张光弟,张忠. 岩矿测试. 2000(04)
[8]烤烟根圈土壤硒含量和形态的研究[J]. 杨兰芳. 湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版). 1997(06)