发布时间:2023-10-29 11:12
了解作物气候适宜度及产量差对当前玉米生产具有重要意义。本文拟对湖北省主要玉米生产区包括,中部低丘陵平原玉米产区(HP),北部岗地夏玉米生产区(NH),西部山区玉米生产区(WM),进行玉米气候适宜度及产量潜力评估,以期为湖北省玉米合理生产布局及种植管理,了解气候变化对湖北玉米生产的影响提供参考依据。本文以当地推广的中熟玉米品种郑单958为例,基于2012-2013年该品种每年8个播期试验获取气候适宜度模型中一些参数,利用湖北省26个基准气象站1967-2016年气象数据,分析了不同产区春玉米(SpM),夏玉米(SuM),秋玉米(AuM)不同生育阶段的温度适宜度、降水适宜度、光照适宜度及综合气候适宜度。继而利用Hybrid-maize模型湖北省玉米产量潜力及产量差进行了分析。主要研究结果如下:1.湖北省不同玉米产区玉米不同生产阶段气候资源与气象胁迫均有差异。中南部低丘平原区(3136 AAT℃.d)玉米全生育期内的有效积温最多。而鄂北岗地(2943AAT℃.d)及鄂西山区(2939 AAT℃.d)玉米生长期内有效积温在近50年内的年际趋势变化显著,表明该区域玉米有效积温有增加趋势明显,且播...
【文章页数】:100 页
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Effect of Climatic resources on maize production
1.1.1 Temperature and maize growth
1.1.2 Sunlight and maize growth
1.1.3 Rainfall and maize growth
1.1.4 Maize distribution and production in China and Hubei province
1.2 Climatic suitability evaluation
1.3 Maize yield potential and yield-gap analysis
1.4 Research goals
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Study area
2.2 Meteorological stations selection and data collection
2.2.1 Experimental design of maize for determination to parameters in climatic suitability calculations
2.3 Maize growth stages determination
2.4 Climatic suitability evaluation in maize
2.4.1 Temperature
2.4.2 Rainfall
2.4.3 Sunshine
2.4.4 Climatic suitability
2.5 methods for climatic stress analysis
2.5.1 Calculation for killing degree days (KDD, °Cd)
2.5.2 Drought and waterlogging occurrence frequency
2.6 maize yield potential simulation and yield gap analysis
2.6.1. The Hybrid-Maize Model and the yield potential simulation
2.6.2. Experimental yield and famers’ yields
2.6.3 Yield gap calculation
2.7 Data interpolation and statistical analysis
3. Results and discussion
3.1 Variation in climatic resources and climatic stress in maize production zones
3.1.1 Change in annual accumulated temperature over the years in different maize production region
3.1.2 Change in killing degree days over the years in different maize production region
3.1.3 Change in accumulated precipitation in different maize growth period
3.1.4 Change in sunshine duration in different maize growth period
3.1.5 Change in drought and waterlogging occurrence
3.2 Climatic suitability and its trends in maize
3.2.1 Temperature Suitability
3.2.2 Rainfall suitability
3.2.3 Sunshine suitability
3.2.4 Climatic suitability
3.3 Maize yield potential in maize production zones in Hubei Province
3.3.1 Modeled and Rainfed yield Potential
3.3.2 Experimental yields and farm yield
3.3.3 Yield Gap Analysis
4. Conclusion and prospects
【文章页数】:100 页
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Effect of Climatic resources on maize production
1.1.1 Temperature and maize growth
1.1.2 Sunlight and maize growth
1.1.3 Rainfall and maize growth
1.1.4 Maize distribution and production in China and Hubei province
1.2 Climatic suitability evaluation
1.3 Maize yield potential and yield-gap analysis
1.4 Research goals
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Study area
2.2 Meteorological stations selection and data collection
2.2.1 Experimental design of maize for determination to parameters in climatic suitability calculations
2.3 Maize growth stages determination
2.4 Climatic suitability evaluation in maize
2.4.1 Temperature
2.4.2 Rainfall
2.4.3 Sunshine
2.4.4 Climatic suitability
2.5 methods for climatic stress analysis
2.5.1 Calculation for killing degree days (KDD, °Cd)
2.5.2 Drought and waterlogging occurrence frequency
2.6 maize yield potential simulation and yield gap analysis
2.6.1. The Hybrid-Maize Model and the yield potential simulation
2.6.2. Experimental yield and famers’ yields
2.6.3 Yield gap calculation
2.7 Data interpolation and statistical analysis
3. Results and discussion
3.1 Variation in climatic resources and climatic stress in maize production zones
3.1.1 Change in annual accumulated temperature over the years in different maize production region
3.1.2 Change in killing degree days over the years in different maize production region
3.1.3 Change in accumulated precipitation in different maize growth period
3.1.4 Change in sunshine duration in different maize growth period
3.1.5 Change in drought and waterlogging occurrence
3.2 Climatic suitability and its trends in maize
3.2.1 Temperature Suitability
3.2.2 Rainfall suitability
3.2.3 Sunshine suitability
3.2.4 Climatic suitability
3.3 Maize yield potential in maize production zones in Hubei Province
3.3.1 Modeled and Rainfed yield Potential
3.3.2 Experimental yields and farm yield
3.3.3 Yield Gap Analysis
4. Conclusion and prospects