发布时间:2018-01-04 13:03
本文关键词:印尼汽车产业发展及中国汽车企业投资印尼的策略 出处:《亚太经济》2016年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The development of Indonesian automobile industry began in 0th century, experienced different periods of import substitution, localization, localization to free and open, but today the Indonesian auto industry is still in the low end of the automobile industry chain. That is, the Indonesian auto industry is in the stage of low-end auto parts production to high-end parts production. With the development of Indonesian economy and the growth of the middle class, Indonesia has entered into a large country of automobile consumption and production. It has been an important target country for Chinese auto companies to invest overseas. Since 21th century, Chinese auto companies have been testing the Indonesian market. From sales to assembly investment, the road of pioneering is extremely difficult. Long-term development strategy, accurate market positioning, good financial and after-sales service and brand-building are the basic strategies for Chinese auto enterprises to enter the Indonesian auto market.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学国际关系暨南洋研究院;
【正文快照】: 一、引言印尼汽车产业在上世纪90年代的本地化率依然很低。为了提高汽车零部件的国产化水平,印尼政府在2006年推出“创新式整套不完全拆散组装系统”(the Innovative IKD system),即只进口不能在印尼国内生产的汽车零件(子组件),而不是整套散件组装汽车的进口,然后在国内装配,,