本文选题:互联空气悬架 + 动态特性 ; 参考:《江苏大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the people on the vehicle ride comfort requirements continue to improve, the air suspension on the vehicle is used more and more widely. At the same time along with the development of automobile technology, based on ordinary air suspension appeared on the Internet air suspension, it will separate the traditional air spring air suspension used in pneumatic pipeline connection, through the closed control open solenoid valve, the air spring can be generated according to the driving condition of gas exchange to achieve variable stiffness, so as to further enhance the performance of the air suspension. This paper focuses on the dynamic characteristics of the Internet and the air suspension on vehicle vibration performance research. According to the ideas of progressive components to the vehicle, in the modeling and Simulation of interconnection of air spring analysis of air spring vibration system, interconnection and dynamic rigidity characteristics, modeling and analysis of interconnected air suspension system and vehicle vibration influence on the performance of three aspects. The Internet is a core component of interconnected air spring air suspension, the engineering thermodynamics and fluid mechanics based on related theories, respectively on the Internet air spring module and a connecting pipeline module is analyzed and the mathematical model of two degrees of freedom and the establishment of mutual coupling of air spring vibration system simulation model in Matlab/Simulink, and the free vibration analysis system the forced vibration response, simulation results show that the state of the Internet, connecting pipe diameter and phase angle on the excitation system of vertical vibration and angular vibration response has significant effect. The air spring characteristics of Internet based modules based on the mathematical model of air spring is established interconnected nonlinear calculation model of dynamic stiffness theory, reveals the coupling relationship between the interconnection of air spring the dynamic stiffness of each variable parameters and between the effects. The line of interconnected air spring mathematical model of each module by using tangent method Processing is derived under the condition of small amplitude linear interconnected air spring stiffness model, eliminate the dynamic stiffness model of nonlinear variable. Based on the characteristics of the interconnection of the air spring system, combined with the vehicle dynamics theory, the establishment of integrated non horizontal interconnection, interconnection, interconnection and longitudinal angle of four a total of four kinds of Internet Interconnection the interconnection of air suspension vehicle dynamics model and the simulation study of four kinds of interconnection mode of vertical body, influence of roll and pitch frequency, in the four round of random road model in time domain and of the twisted road surface as input, a comparative study of four interconnected mode of body acceleration, suspension travel and tire dynamic load and body torsion load response, results show that the interconnection of air suspension can reduce the body angle vibration frequency, enhance driving in the bad road vehicle ride comfort, reduce car body torsion The load was set up. The interconnection of air suspension vehicle test bench, applying order of vehicle jump, sine and strengthening road excitation, interconnection of pipeline diameter, damping and air spring initial height influence of left front body acceleration frequency response, comparative analysis of non interconnection, lateral interconnection, interconnection and interconnection of four vertical angle the body vertical, lateral and longitudinal acceleration frequency response test shows that the Internet, air suspension can improve the vehicle vibration performance in a wide frequency range, ease road impact, enhance driving in bad pavement vehicle ride comfort.
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