[Abstract]:The hot stamping forming process is an effective means to solve the problems of the cold stamping and forming of high-strength steel plate, and the application of hot stamping is more and more extensive in the automobile production. The automobile B-pillar reinforcing plate is an important force component in the side impact, and the strength and the rigidity of the automobile B-pillar reinforcing plate play an important role in the safety of the automobile side. In this paper, the B-pillar reinforcement plate provided by an automobile production enterprise is a hot stamping forming part, and the hot stamping and forming process is simulated and simulated based on the Aaqus software. The process parameters, such as the fillet of the bottom surface of the reinforcing plate of the B-pillar, the boss of the side wall, the thickness of the wall thickness at the corner of the side wall and the excessive stress of the edge, are studied and analyzed. First, the simulation model of the hot stamping of the B-pillar reinforced plate is established, and the influence of the initial temperature of the die on the forming of the sheet is studied through the simulation of the hot stamping forming process of the B-pillar reinforcing plate, and the initial temperature of the sheet forming die is determined. Secondly, the process of continuous production of B-pillar reinforced plate hot stamping is simulated, and the change law of the temperature of different working cycle dies and its influence on the sheet metal forming are studied, and the initial temperature field of the hot stamping forming die is determined. In the end, a stable mold temperature field is used as the initial mold temperature field of the orthogonal optimization experimental group. Based on the orthogonal experimental method, the influence of the furnace temperature, the friction coefficient, the blank holder force and the forming speed process parameter on the sheet forming and thinning rate and the stress value is studied. The optimal process parameter combination of the material tapping temperature, the friction coefficient, the blank holder force and the forming speed is determined, and the problem that the bottom surface fillet, the side wall boss, the wall thickness of the side wall fillet and the edge stress are too large are optimized.
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