本文选题:电力系统 + 警报处理 ; 参考:《天津大学》2003年硕士论文
【摘要】:电力系统故障诊断中存在两种不确定性因素,即保护和断路器动作的可靠性,以及调度中心收到的保护和断路器的警报信号的正确性和未收到的警报信号实际出现的可能性。如何处理这些警报信号的不确定性在一定程度上影响故障诊断结果的准确性。这就是警报处理所要完成的工作。 到目前为止,还没有一个系统的方法能够同时处理上述两种不确定性因素。本文提出了基于覆盖集理论(set covering theory)和Tabu搜索(Tabu search—TS)方法的电力系统警报处理的一种新方法。以覆盖集理论为基础,首先把电力系统警报处理问题表示为0-1整数规划问题,引入了一种新的评估指标。之后,提出了用TS方法来求解这一问题。 经过众多算例的计算结果证明,所发展的数学模型是正确的,提出的以TS为基础的方法比现有的以遗传算法(genetic algorithm GA)为基础的方法更为有效。 人工智能是模仿人解决实际问题能力而发展的一种方法,其中的专家系统是人工智能的一个重要分支,一个专家系统可以是一个模拟人类专家解决复杂问题的计算机程序。而所谓复杂问题就是需要有充分的知识和经验才能解决的问题。 论文中介绍人工智能及专家系统的原理,对专家系统在电力系统的应用做了较为详尽的分析。用VC++语言建立了一个判断电力系统故障区域和故障类型的专家系统。专家系统可以用来辨别母线故障区域、线路故障区域和线路与母线的共同区域。此外,该专家系统还可分析断路器和继电器的误动和拒动情况。 最后,专家系统被扩展到利用实时测得的电流和电压数据来分析故障区域的故障类型。 经计算机仿真算例检验,本文所建立的故障诊断专家系统是正确和有效的。
[Abstract]:There are two kinds of uncertain factors in power system fault diagnosis, that is, the reliability of protection and circuit breaker operation, the correctness of alarm signal received by dispatching center and the possibility of not receiving alarm signal. How to deal with the uncertainty of these warning signals affects the accuracy of fault diagnosis to some extent. This is what alarm processing is all about. Up to now, there is no systematic method to deal with these two kinds of uncertainties at the same time. In this paper, a new method of alarm processing in power system based on the covering set theory and Tabu search Tabu search-TSS method is presented. Based on the covering set theory, the alarm processing problem of power system is first represented as 0-1 integer programming problem, and a new evaluation index is introduced. Then, the TS method is proposed to solve this problem. The results of many numerical examples show that the developed mathematical model is correct, and the proposed method based on TS is more effective than the existing method based on genetic algorithm (GA). Artificial intelligence is a method developed to imitate the ability of human to solve practical problems. The expert system is an important branch of artificial intelligence, and an expert system can be a computer program that simulates human experts to solve complex problems. The so-called complex problem is a problem that needs sufficient knowledge and experience to solve. The principle of artificial intelligence and expert system is introduced in this paper, and the application of expert system in power system is analyzed in detail. An expert system for judging fault area and fault type of power system is established with VC language. Expert system can be used to identify bus fault area, line fault area and common area between bus and bus. In addition, the expert system can also be used to analyze the maloperation and rejection of circuit breakers and relays. Finally, the expert system is extended to analyze the fault types in the fault area using the current and voltage data measured in real time. The computer simulation example shows that the fault diagnosis expert system is correct and effective.
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