本文选题:红外图像增强 + Retinex ; 参考:《激光与红外》2017年01期
[Abstract]:Infrared images are characterized by low contrast, large noise, large dynamic range and poor visual effect. Traditional image enhancement algorithms have their own limitations, and the visual effect after processing is not ideal. In order to improve the visual effect of infrared image and enhance the recognition power of target in the image, the Retinex algorithm based on human visual characteristics is studied. Combining with the imaging mechanism of infrared image, the Retinex enhancement algorithm suitable for visible image is applied to infrared image. Good visual effect has been obtained. On this basis, the algorithm is improved adaptively and the AMSR algorithm is proposed. Several traditional image enhancement algorithms and algorithms based on Retinex are used to enhance infrared images with typical characteristics, and objective evaluation indexes are calculated. Through the subjective evaluation and objective index analysis of the experimental results, the applicability and superiority of the AMSR enhancement algorithm to infrared images are verified. The research work in this paper is of great significance to infrared target detection and recognition.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所;中国科学院大学;
【基金】:上海物证重点实验室基金(No.2011xcwzk04) 国家“十二五”国防预研项目(No.41101050501)资助
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