本文选题:k核心子图 + 全局搜索 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Advertising, disease control and semantic expansion in social networks. In this paper, the query problem of k-core subgraph is studied from the following aspects. Firstly, by analyzing the existing query processing methods of k-core subgraph, it is found that the existing algorithm has redundant traversal problem in generating k-core subgraph. Secondly, the pre_CST algorithm is proposed to preprocess the graph. In this algorithm, the neighbor nodes of each node are sorted by degrees, and the number of nodes whose degree is greater than or equal to k in the neighbor is recorded, so as to facilitate the solution of subsequent k-core subgraphs. Thirdly, an efficient k-core subgraph solution algorithm, CST, is proposed. Taking full advantage of the preprocessing information, the algorithm proposes three strategies to avoid redundant traversal, including 1) when traversing the neighbor nodes of the current node. If it is found that the degree of a neighbor node is less than k, then all nodes after that node do not need to be accessed) when the number of nodes in the neighbor whose degree is greater than or equal to k is less than k, The current node will not be added to the candidate subgraph.) priority queue is used to sort the candidate node to join the k-core subgraph, and the candidate node with the most associated edges in the current k-core is added first. In order to reduce the k-core subgraph query invalid nodes added. The above three strategies can avoid the processing of useless nodes, thus reducing redundant traversal and improving query efficiency. Finally, based on the real data set, the efficiency of the proposed algorithm is verified by different evaluation indexes.
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