本文选题:医学图像分割 + 水平集 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Image segmentation is the key of image processing and the bottom technology of image processing. After decades of development, image segmentation has been widely used in real life. With the development of medical imaging, medical image segmentation has become the focus and difficulty of image segmentation. Because of the complexity and diversity of medical image, it is easy to be interfered by various external and internal factors, and the segmentation image will appear noise, uneven grayscale, weak edge, multi-target and so on. In order to segment all the information of an image, it is often necessary to use a variety of methods to segment the image. Level set method (LSM) has become the focus in the field of image segmentation due to its unique advantages in recent years, and has been rapidly developed and applied. However, the level set segmentation method also has some problems in processing images in complex situations, such as large computational complexity, robustness, stability, and so on. Therefore, the research of medical image segmentation based on level set method has high application value and important practical significance. On the basis of many references, this paper studies the medical image segmentation based on the improved level set, and puts forward several improved methods: the improved two-level set image segmentation algorithm based on the suppression clustering algorithm. An intelligent image processing system is designed based on offset field and improved level set image segmentation algorithm. The main research contents and innovations include: 1, the background and significance of medical image segmentation technology are expounded, the mathematical description of medical image segmentation technology is given, and the present situation of medical image segmentation technology is introduced. At the same time, the development and difficulties of medical image segmentation technology are also discussed. In this paper, the basic model and common model. 2 of the level set are described mathematically. In order to segment the polyphase image simultaneously and suppress the noise interference, there is often noise and multi-target phenomenon in the medical image. In this paper, an improved bi-level set model based on clustering algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the convergence speed of the algorithm is improved by the idea of "suppressive competition" of the suppressed fuzzy clustering algorithm (SRFCM). Secondly, the bi-level set medical image segmentation model (DCV) is improved by adding energy penalty term. Aiming at the problem of uneven grayscale and migration field of medical image, a area-based migration field coupling model is proposed in this paper. The global segmentation method and the Split-Bregman method are combined by adding the region information. By using the method of dividing N level sets into 2N regions, the energy penalty term is added to the function to avoid the reinitialization of the level set. Reduce the computation and time complexity of segmentation algorithm. 4. Design the image processing intelligent segmentation system V1.0, medical image processing segmentation system V1.0, using user-led, indicative flow, open source design scheme, The programmer can compile algorithm and callback function in MATLAB software environment Editor, according to the actual use and user feedback, further improve the segmentation algorithm and improve the user interface.
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