本文选题:自适应权重 + 哈希位加权 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the 21st century, with the continuous popularity of various digital photography equipment and image processing tools, mass image data has poured into people's lives, and in reality, image retrieval. The requirement of image recognition makes the retrieval based on image content very important in large image database. In order to improve the efficiency of image retrieval, the researchers map the image to binary hash code by hash method, and measure the similarity of the image according to the hamming distance between the corresponding hash codes. This method has the advantages of compressed storage and fast query, but it still has some disadvantages. When the hamming distance is used in sorting, the quantization in the hash process usually degrades its discriminative ability. There are a lot of images with the same hamming distance as the query image, which will lead to the inability to sort these images effectively. Search performance is limited. Therefore, it is necessary to sort images more fine-grained. Hash weighting has proved to be an effective solution. In this paper, based on previous studies of anchor graph, the local proximity matrix between data points and anchors is used to approximate the original similarity between data points. It overcomes the shortcoming that standard Euclidean metric can not capture the global similarity between data points strictly. This method can obtain similarity between samples in any dataset. Based on the similarity between query points and database samples, this paper uses the discriminative ability of each hash function and their complement to the nearest neighbor search ability to learn a set of query adaptive bit weights. A new hash sorting method based on weighted hamming distance is proposed. In this method, different weights are assigned to each hash bit to distinguish the return results with the same hamming distance, so that more precise and accurate sorting can be obtained, which is a general weighting method that can be used in all kinds of hash algorithms. There is no strict requirement for data distribution. Finally, experiments are carried out on two recognized data sets, MNIST and NUS-WIDE, according to the hash sorting method proposed in this paper. The results show that the proposed method is more general and effective than the existing methods.
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