本文选题:骨龄评估 + 中华05 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Bone age is an important index to evaluate the physical development of adolescents and children. It is widely used in sports science, justice and clinical medicine. Because the wrist bone can accurately reflect the whole bone growth and development, and has the characteristics of easy shooting and low radiation dose, the development of the hand wrist bone is generally regarded as the bone age evaluation standard at home and abroad. Zhonghua 05 scoring method is the standard method used to evaluate the bone age of the wrist bone in our country. However, the use of this standard for evaluation requires professional training of personnel, proficiency in the characteristics of various stages of development, and the fact that the whole process is cumbersome and has the disadvantages of being highly subjective and of low accuracy. Therefore, the demand for automatic evaluation of bone age by computer is increasing. At present, there are two main difficulties in automatic bone age assessment by computer. Firstly, the position, direction and size of the wrist bone in CT images are uncertain, and there will be overlap between the bone fragments in the later stage of bone age, which interferes with the segmentation and extraction of bone fragments. Secondly, the characteristics of growth and development of different grades described by human language in bone age standard are difficult to be converted into image features processed by computer. In order to solve the above problems, a computer-aided radial grading method based on Zhonghua 05 scoring method is proposed. According to the radial characteristics of CT images of wrist bone, the automatic evaluation process of radial grade 2 to 7 is studied. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) A method of radius segmentation based on multi-template constraint local model is proposed. A multi-template constrained local model algorithm is proposed to solve the problem that the radial shape changes dramatically at different bone ages and the constrained local model is not easy to converge. The radial image was preclassified and segmented from the real radial model. Experiments show that the algorithm has faster convergence speed and higher segmentation accuracy. Aiming at the single background of CT images, this paper presents a Haar stochastic forest algorithm and uses it as a local detector for constrained local models. The experimental results show that compared with using PCA or SVM as the constrained local model of local detector, The algorithm has higher robustness and accuracy in segmenting radius area in CT image. According to the radial grade evaluation standard of Zhonghua 05 score method, some representative gray scale features and local shape features are selected. According to the characteristics of radius in wrist CT images, the global shape feature based on PCA and the invariant texture feature based on scale transformation are proposed. Then, a radial classifier based on random forest is designed, and the model parameters are optimized by experiments to verify the classification performance of the bone age features extracted in this paper.
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