本文选题:网格化 + 系统管理 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the face of the white hot competition in the communication industry, the increasing saturation of mobile phone users and the increasing complexity of business internal business, the market competition is not only the simple competition of product tariff, but has gradually stepped into the competition of the stock users. It is particularly important for the old users to "serve well and maintain good". The user is the center, strengthens the innovation of technology, business, service and management, constantly improves the comprehensive strength and core competitiveness, and provides more comprehensive service for the customers. In this transformation process, Jiangxi Unicom also exposes many problems, such as the extensive management of business value, the lack of systematic value management system, and the launch of various levels of resources. Monitoring can not be quantified, early warning accountability mechanism can not be implemented; the index layer is added, the responsibility is not clear, the responsibility of each level can not be refined; the front line lacks effective assessment and incentive mechanism, staff enthusiasm needs to be excavated. Based on the problems exposed in the operation of Jiangxi Unicom, the grid management support service to the line management unit The concept of the grid marketing management information system is put forward. From the concept to the realization process, this article from the system requirements analysis, system design and system implementation three aspects. In the demand analysis part, from the daily operation needs of Jiangxi Unicom to analyze the needs of information support, the system is the most needed to achieve the three. The modules are system management module, job planning module and performance calculation module. 17 functional sub modules are subdivided under three modules. In addition to functional requirements, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the system, there are non functional requirements such as performance requirements, operation requirements and other requirements. After the requirement analysis, the system is entered into the system design part. This part, this article first clarifies the design goal and the principle, then carries on the overall design, including the system positioning, the processing flow, the technical scheme, the network topology and the system function diagram. Finally, in the module design part, the detailed design of the function description, data description and process flow module are respectively designed. After the completion of the design, the module is entered into the system. The precondition, post condition, input, output and display form of functional modules are described, and the main codes of functional modules are attached. Through the implementation and application of the grid marketing management information system, the management data of Jiangxi Unicom are integrated to provide different working interfaces for different roles. The data needed to display the required data also provide powerful data protection for staff assessment at all levels.
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