本文选题:国际交流 + 信息系统 ; 参考:《天津大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着企业国际化战略的实施推进,国际业务的发展不断迈上新台阶,对外合作与交流也越加频繁,企业外事业务的工作量越来越大,企业出国管理等工作也越来越繁重。本文结合某大型企业的出国管理状况,采用软件工程开发技术,设计和开发基于J2EE的企业国际交流信息系统。本文首先调研和分析大型企业出国管理的实际业务状况,明确企业国际交流信息系统的开发目的、意义,研究国内外信息管理现状。之后,集合软件工程思想和J2EE开发技术,对系统的开发技术和开发平台等进行研究。在系统需求分析环节,本文根据企业国际交流管理的情况,将系统划分为多种角色,并对系统的总体功能进行分析,将系统划分为出国管理、国际会议管理、外事会见管理和邀请来华管理等多个功能。同时,本文对企业国际交流信息系统的性能及可行性分析进行说明。在系统设计环节,本文依据需求分析情况,确定采用基于MVC的三层框架,阐述和分析国际交流信息系统的框架设计方案、功能模块设计方案以及数据库设计方案。在系统实现与测试环节,针对系统功能划分情况,对系统的各个功能模块的实现通过界面和代码形式进行描述。目前,该企业国际交流系统已经上线运行。该系统所依托的是J2EE开发平台,系统设计基于B/S模式,采用MVC框架进行设计,系统的数据库采用SQL Server 2008数据库。系统主要实现功能包括出国管理、国际会议管理、外事会见管理和邀请来华管理等功能。系统的实现将推进企业外事业务的规范化管理、动态管理和全过程管理,提高工作质量和工作效率,优化审批流程,实现信息资源的共享利用,满足企业外事业务新的管理体制和运行机制的需求。
[Abstract]:With the implementation of the enterprise internationalization strategy, the development of international business has been moving to a new level, foreign cooperation and exchanges are more and more frequent, the workload of foreign affairs is becoming more and more heavy, and the management of enterprises abroad is becoming more and more arduous. This paper designs and develops an enterprise international exchange information system based on J2EE by using the software engineering development technology combined with the overseas management of a large enterprise. This paper first investigates and analyzes the actual business situation of large enterprises' overseas management, defines the purpose and significance of the development of enterprise's international exchange information system, and studies the present situation of information management at home and abroad. After that, the software engineering idea and J2EE development technology are collected to study the development technology and platform of the system. In the process of system requirement analysis, according to the situation of enterprise international exchange management, the system is divided into various roles, and the overall function of the system is analyzed. The system is divided into the management of going abroad and the management of international conference. Foreign affairs meeting management and invitation to China management and other functions. At the same time, this paper describes the performance and feasibility of the enterprise international exchange information system. In the process of system design, according to the situation of requirement analysis, this paper adopts a three-layer framework based on MVC to elaborate and analyze the frame design scheme, function module design scheme and database design scheme of international information exchange system. In the link of system realization and test, the realization of each function module of the system is described by interface and code. At present, the enterprise international exchange system has been online operation. The system is based on the J2EE development platform. The system design is based on the B / S model and the MVC framework is used to design the system. The database of the system is SQL Server 2008 database. The main functions of the system include management of going abroad, management of international meeting, management of foreign affairs meeting and management of inviting to China. The realization of the system will promote the standardized management, dynamic management and whole process management of foreign affairs, improve the quality and efficiency of work, optimize the examination and approval process, and realize the sharing and utilization of information resources. To meet the needs of the new management system and operation mechanism of the foreign affairs business.
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