本文选题:档案管理 + 信息管理 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:计算机工程领域的不断扩展和技术的创新,使得档案工作实现了智能化管理。传统纸质档案在收集、整理、查阅和存档过程中存在的文件破损、查找不便、保密性差等问题,采用计算机智能化管理档案信息使得文件备份、搜索更加便捷,档案的安全性和可维护性也得到了加强,同时实现了资源共享和资源的高效使用。本文对现阶段国内外档案管理进行调研,以大连市机场党员档案管理工作为背景,设计并开发了“大连机场党员档案管理平台”。本系统以Visual Studio 2012为项目开发工具,采用SQL Server 2008进行数据存储和管理,运用基于Web2.0技术和B/S体系结构实现了对机场党员档案信息的智能化管理。本文对大连机场党员档案管理平台进行设计并划分功能,党组织信息管理负责对党组织的新建、撤销、改建、迁移、更名等操作;党员信息管理负责对党员的迁入、转出或者新加入党员信息的记录;党员发展管理主要完成积极分子确定、发展对象确定、预备党员接收、预备党员转正的工作;教育培训管理和活动组织管理负责安排党组织安排的培训课程和活动项目;文件管理与共享为系统用户共享珍贵资料并可以上传和下载;党员情况上报对一段时期内的党员的工作与学习情况进行评定。本系统界面友好,功能设计合理,性能与兼容性良好。经过测试满足了系统安全可靠的要求,并具有良好的适用性和可维护性,实现了对机场党员档案信息的有效管理。
[Abstract]:With the expansion of computer engineering field and the innovation of technology, archives work has been managed intelligently. In the process of collecting, arranging, consulting and archiving traditional paper files, the problems of document breakage, inconvenient searching, poor confidentiality and so on exist in the process of collecting, collating, consulting and archiving. The intelligent management of file information by computer makes the file backup and search more convenient. The security and maintainability of archives are also enhanced, and resource sharing and efficient use of resources are realized. This paper investigates the archives management at home and abroad at present, designs and develops the "Dalian Airport Party member Archives Management platform" with the background of Dalian Airport Party member Archives Management. This system takes Visual Studio 2012 as the project development tool, uses SQL Server 2008 to store and manage the data, and realizes the intelligent management of the airport party member file information based on the Web2.0 technology and the B / S system structure. This paper designs and divides the management platform of the Party members' archives at Dalian Airport. The information management of the Party organization is responsible for the operation of new construction, revocation, alteration, migration and renaming of the party organization, and the information management of the party members is responsible for the immigration of the party members. The record of the information of party members transferred out or newly joined; the management of party members' development mainly completes the work of determining the active members, the object of development, the acceptance of the probationary party members, and the conversion of the probationary party members; The educational training management and the activity organization management are responsible for arranging the training courses and activities arranged by the Party organization; the document management and sharing can be uploaded and downloaded by the users of the system. Party members are reported to assess the work and learning of Party members over a period of time. The system has friendly interface, reasonable function design and good performance and compatibility. The test meets the requirements of system security and reliability, and has good applicability and maintainability, and realizes the effective management of the airport party member file information.
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