本文选题:社会网络 + 节点重要性 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工程大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy and Internet technology, people's way of life and means of communication have undergone revolutionary changes, especially in the context of the rapid progress of mobile Internet technology and the widespread use of intelligent terminals. The form of human society shows the trend of networking, the communication between people becomes more and more frequent and close, the speed of information dissemination is getting faster and faster, and gradually formed the social network which is intertwined with people and relations, and presents complex and dynamic. Large-scale and self-similar characteristics. The research and analysis of social network has been widely used in the fields of information, economy, military and security. Due to the interdisciplinary, complex and dynamic characteristics of social network, There are some difficulties and challenges in analyzing and mastering them, especially the evaluation of node importance and the identification of community structure from the micro and macro aspects, which have great practical significance and application value. In view of the fact that most of the analysis of social network in the past is based on simple graph, the inherent attributes of the relationship between nodes and the problem of multi-party relations can not be considered in the evaluation of node impact. The hypergraph model of social network is constructed by using hypergraph theory, and the inherent attribute of the connection between nodes and them is introduced into the model. Then the node topological potential in data field theory in cognitive physics is introduced to quantify the importance of nodes to represent the influence. The entropy weight method and Freud algorithm are used to calculate the quality of nodes and the shortest path, respectively. Based on the analysis of the ideal values of the influence factors, an improved node importance evaluation algorithm based on deletion strategy under the hypergraph model of social networks is proposed. Finally, the evaluation method based on node importance is applied to community identification, and the random walk probability model and reachable strategy based on node importance gain are constructed by asynchronous method. A hierarchical community recognition algorithm based on node importance gain of social network is proposed by introducing random walk based node similarity measure function and iterative update function as the application of node importance ranking and the performance verification of the algorithm. The correctness and feasibility of the algorithm are verified by experiments.
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