本文选题:地名普查 + 遥感技术 ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,3S技术的发展逐渐成熟,在军事、民用领域如情报收集、导航、国土资源调查与管理等方面应用广泛。3S技术是进行科学研究的重要手段,它所具备的数字化和信息化的特点,使其成为当前进行大范围调查和区域调查的首选方式。研究将3S技术应用于第二次全国地名普查工作中,可以大大提高工作效率和地名的数字化进程。本文是以全国第二次地名普查为出发点,以安徽省合肥市为研究示范区,收集、整理了与合肥市地名的空间信息和非空间信息有关的基础资料;以卫星影像、手持GPS、地理信息系统等技术手段,利用Erdas Imagine、Arc GIS等软件,对合肥城区的地名点和地名信息进行采集、整理,为地名普查提供新思路;并对采集的地名数据进行分析,在此基础上利用ArcGIS Diagrammer建立地名数据库。论文主要的研究成果如下:(1)收集和整理了合肥市城区与地名信息相关的基础资料;(2)对遥感影像数据进行相应的处理,整合基础地理信息资料,为地名普查工作提供工作底图;(3)利用计算机和“3S”等技术手段,对地名数据进行采集与处理,形成合肥市地名综合数据集,为地名数据库的建设提供基础数据支撑;(4)通过对地名数据的分析,完成地名数据库的设计。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of Y3S technology is gradually maturing. It is an important means to carry out scientific research in military and civilian fields, such as information collection, navigation, land and resources investigation and management, etc. It has the characteristics of digitalization and informatization, which makes it the first choice for the wide-scale investigation and regional investigation. The application of 3s technology in the second national toponymic survey can greatly improve the efficiency of the work and the digitization process of geographical names. This paper is based on the second national general survey of geographical names, taking Hefei City of Anhui Province as a research demonstration area, collects and collates the basic information related to the spatial and non-spatial information of geographical names in Hefei, and takes satellite imagery as the basis. Handheld GPS, GIS and other technical means, using the software such as Erdas imagine and Arc GIS, to collect and organize the toponymic points and toponymic information in Hefei urban area, to provide a new idea for the toponymic survey, and to analyze the collected toponymic data. On this basis, the use of ArcGIS Diagrammer to establish a toponymic database. The main research results of this paper are as follows: (1) collecting and arranging the basic data related to toponymic information in Hefei urban area. (2) processing the remote sensing image data and integrating the basic geographic information data. In order to provide the working background map for the work of toponymic survey, the computer and "3s" are used to collect and process the toponymic data to form the comprehensive data set of geographical names in Hefei. To provide the basic data support for the construction of the toponymic database, the design of the toponymic database is completed through the analysis of the toponymic data.
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