本文选题:人脸检测 + 深度学习 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, face detection is one of the most important research directions in computer field, and it has great research value in both scientific and commercial fields. In the field of scientific research, detection is a basic subject in the field of computer vision. Face detection is the basic problem of face alignment, face recognition and face verification in face field. It is the target of industry to detect and recognize faces automatically and accurately in complex natural scenes such as security, finance, bayonet and so on. However, due to the complexity of the real scene and the fact that face detection is easily affected by the changes of face pose, angle, location, background and so on, there are still many difficulties in face detection that have not been solved thoroughly. The face detection task can be divided into two subtasks of face recognition and a subtask of face search strategy. The second subtask of face classification is to determine whether a certain region is a face or not, and the subtask of face search strategy is to search the face in the whole picture. The simpler the two-classification model is and the less the search area is, the faster the face detection algorithm is. At present, face detection algorithm is in the dilemma of neglecting one or the other. Due to the complexity of the model, the algorithm can not achieve real-time, but the algorithm can achieve real-time because the model is relatively simple, the result of the algorithm itself is not very good. How to train a fast and effective face detection is a very important problem. At present, the two subtasks are treated independently, that is, the classification model uses deep convolution network, the face search adopts sliding window, selective search and so on, which results in the excessive consumption of computing resources and the long detection time. In this paper, a face detection algorithm is presented, which is simple, accurate and can detect multiple scales at the same time. Based on the full convolution network, this paper combines these two subtasks effectively and trains a face detection model without limiting the face size. Compared with the general convolution neural network, the full convolution network has the advantage of spatial location information, so compared with the general convolution neural network, the full convolutional network is more suitable for the tasks of detection, segmentation and so on. In the test, we don't need to shrink the image to multiple scales and test separately. Instead, we detect most human faces by one test. Because the scale of face is not limited, direct training of the two-classification model of face will lead to the difficulty of convergence or the poor effect of the model, and will result in more misinformation and missed detection. In order to reduce this problem and train the model better, this paper introduces the concatenation idea into the full convolution network, and proposes several supervised information to help the network converge better in face two-classification and face boundary box regression. A full convolution face detection algorithm based on multi-supervised information is proposed. In this paper, the validity of the proposed algorithm is verified by experiments on the relevant evaluation set of face detection. The experimental results show that the algorithm has achieved good results in the evaluation set.
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