本文选题:S供电企业 + 财务管理 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The financial management activity is the most important in the company management, and the concrete enterprise management activity includes the strategy, the marketing, the production, the operation, the accounting and the finance and so on the function activity. As the main body of economic activities, the main purpose of enterprises is to consume a certain amount of products or services when providing products or services to the society. Access to products or services presupposes the need for some form of funding that is used by financial management in exchange for products or services and for the use of those products or services. In order to achieve the ultimate goal of enterprise management. Therefore, the management of financial information should not only ensure the accuracy of data, but also ensure the security and stability of data storage. It is an inevitable trend to improve the work efficiency and standardize the management of the national government organs and the enterprises and institutions by constructing the financial management information system to realize the modern comprehensive management of the company. Firstly, this paper summarizes the financial management, studies the basic concept of financial management, summarizes the background of S power supply enterprise and the current domestic and foreign research on financial management or financial management information system. Then according to the research of S power supply enterprise financial management information system, several deficiencies are put forward, and then the function requirement analysis of S power supply enterprise financial management information system is carried out according to the demand, mainly the business process analysis of each subsystem; Thirdly, the financial management information system of S power supply enterprise is designed according to the previous functional requirement analysis, and the function modules of each subsystem in the financial management system are designed. Finally, the financial management information system of S power supply enterprise is realized. Under the background of the research of S power supply enterprise, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing financial management information system of S power supply enterprise, and finds out the demand of S power supply enterprise for financial management information system at present. Therefore, the analysis and design of financial management information system for S power supply enterprises can not only be more close to reality, but also can design a better and more practical financial management information system for S power supply enterprises. At present, most power supply enterprises have or plan to design their own financial management information system. This paper also provides a certain reference value for the later researchers to study financial management information system.
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