[Abstract]:In recent years, the atmospheric environment pollution caused by the rapid economic growth is becoming more and more serious. In the face of this problem, the use of efficient air quality models has become the main method of air quality research. At present, Models-3 / CMAQ, the third generation air quality model based on "one atmosphere", developed by EPA, is the most representative model of air quality. The application of CMAQ is not only the most advanced, but also the input data of the CMAQ model, which is the most studied in China, including the meteorological field data of WRF model and the pollutant source emission inventory data of SMOKE model. Therefore, WRF / SMOKE / CMAQ is used to form an air quality model system. Because of the use of Python program to simulate SMOKE mode, the original model system became WRF / Psmoke-CMAQ model system. If we want to apply the model system to study the air quality problem in our country, we must localize it. This paper takes 24 districts and counties of a city as an example to study the problem of air pollution in a certain city through the localization process of WRF / Psmoke-CMAQ model system. The model system has some complexity in environment construction and installation, so this paper studies the model system development platform of Py Qt5 based on Ubuntu operating system. Development platform enables researchers to quickly and better enter the learning and use of model systems. Based on this, the main contents of this paper are as follows: setting up the installation and running environment of CMAQ mode / WRF mode / Psmoke mode. The three models are introduced respectively, and the modularization structure and application flow of each model are introduced at the same time. Install CMAQ mode and WRF mode. Psmoke mode using python program to simulate SMOKE mode. The localization process of WRF / Psmoke-CMAQ model system is carried out. First, the weather field simulation of WRF model is carried out. Set the simulation area and the simulation time. Then, the collected data of 10 pollutants are compiled and put into Psmoke mode to make pollutant source emission inventory. Finally, the output data of WRF mode and Psmoke mode are used as the input data of CMAQ model to simulate the atmospheric chemical reaction process. The final output is visualized by Verdi. Build Py Qt5 development environment based on Python language. The visualization framework of the model is designed to design the local application process of the model system into the interface. Among them, the realization of the function uses shell program and pyth on program. At the same time, the process of manual collation of pollutant data is designed automatically. This design has carried on the representative attempt, the result has the certain degree guidance function.
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