[Abstract]:Face image analysis is an advanced subject in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition, which includes a series of research contents, such as face detection, facial feature point location, facial expression recognition, face recognition and so on. Among them, face detection and accurate location of facial feature points are important steps in the application of face recognition, facial expression recognition and pose estimation, and are also the key problems to be solved in the process of expanding the scope of application based on face analysis. Based on this practical requirement, the work of this paper is to detect the face in the background and segment the region of interest to the elliptical face. Then the facial feature points based on texture feature and shape constraint are accurately located in the detected face region. The traditional facial feature point localization algorithm has little research on the unique features of facial feature points, which leads to the poor initialization and detection effect of feature points, which directly affects the shape constraints of the feature points set. According to the texture features of facial feature points, this paper uses Powell algorithm to obtain the optimized parameters of feature operators based on sift (scale Invariant feature transform). Then, the sift feature operator of facial feature points under the optimized parameters is extracted and used to train the detector based on support vector regression machine. Finally, the optimized detector is used to initialize the feature points in the region of interest. In this paper, the LFPW face database is used as the training database to optimize the parameters of the sift feature operator and to train the support vector regression machine based on the sift feature. And finally we tested it on the BioID database, and it was verified that, in the presence of light, posture, and facial changes, The effect of SVM based on improved sift feature training for initial detection of facial feature points is much higher than that of support vector regression machine based on unimproved sift feature. In addition, the contour structure constraint algorithm based on 3.1 sets of models is introduced, which successfully corrects the outliers of initial detection of facial feature points, and further improves the accuracy of facial feature points location.
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