[Abstract]:With the progress of society and the rapid development of computer technology and network technology, information technology has already penetrated into the banking industry of our country, by improving the business system of various banks and so on. In order to promote the healthy and rapid development of our banking industry, we are constantly improving the working efficiency of banks and their competitiveness in the current financial market environment. Thus, it can be seen that the strengthening of information technology means is very helpful for the banks in our country to improve their business competitiveness and cultivate new profit growth points, if they can provide a strong and reliable set of services for the banks. A fully functional and flexible business management system will have a very positive and effective impact on the development of China's banking industry. The research goal of this thesis is to design a reasonable bank deposit and loan management system based on Web to help solve the complexity of traditional banking system business management. The amount of business information in banks is large, and the types of information are complicated. There is no unified method standard for the statistics of the correlation between a large number of savings and withdrawal operations, and the difficulty of business management is inevitably very great. It is very unsatisfactory to rely on manual solutions to problems. It is better to use the help of computer to manage the business, simplify the operation and improve the efficiency of the business. The system realized in this paper is such a system, which realizes the clarity, automation and intelligence of the banking business management system. It can help the staff to complete all kinds of different management work and help to improve the efficiency of the banking business management.
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