[Abstract]:Slope (Slope) is not only an important parameter of topographic features, but also an important evaluation index of geomorphologic change. Slopes on a regional scale are usually calculated by DEM (Digital Elevation Model). Because of the difficulty of obtaining high-resolution DEM data, and the loss of high-frequency and low-frequency parts of slope data at low resolution, Therefore, it is one of the ways to obtain high precision slope data by super-resolution reconstruction (downscaling change). In this study, the super-resolution reconstruction of slope data is studied based on the improved POCS (Projections Onto Convex Sets) algorithm and the sparse mixed estimation method. The main contents are as follows: (1) Super-resolution reconstruction of slope data is carried out through the improved POCS algorithm. In this algorithm, we first judge the multiple groups of DEM data read in, determine the approximate range of the data values according to the variance results of each data, and eliminate the data which is different from the average range, so as to obtain a better reconstruction effect. The method of bilinear interpolation is used to construct the reference data to make the results smoother and truer, and then the reference data are corrected. The correction process is to detect the edge of the slope data according to the large change of terrace slope. After obtaining the detection results and modifying them to the reference data. (2) the slope data is reconstructed by super-resolution based on sparse mixed estimation method. Firstly, wavelet transform is carried out on the slope data in approximate, horizontal, vertical and 45 掳directions. This step can fully extract the feature of slope data. Secondly, the dictionary of slope data block and the orthogonal matching tracing of the block are established. By constructing the sparse redundant block dictionary of slope data, the characteristic of slope data is induced, and the data is used as geometric block for orthogonal matching tracing. The integrity of the data can be guaranteed by geometric block method. Finally, the slope data is interpolated with wavelet and block dictionary. By calculating L _ 1 and L _ 2 normal forms at the same time, the sparse mixed estimation method takes full account of the regular variation of slope data, and combines multi-directional wavelet transform to interpolate gradient data in different directions. The integrity of the reconstructed data and the accuracy of the results are ensured. In this study, high resolution elevation data were obtained from aerial photogrammetry of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and slope was extracted from DEM in Longquan terraced area of Gansu province. The improved POCS algorithm and sparse mixed estimation algorithm are used to reconstruct the DEM slope data in super-resolution, and compared with the nearest neighbor method, bilinear interpolation method and cubic convolution interpolation method. The results show that this method is superior to other methods in spatial distribution and error. In the comparison of the results of the two algorithms, the result of sparse mixed estimation is better than that of the improved POCS algorithm.
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