[Abstract]:Compared with the traditional single-block architecture, the micro-service framework has the advantages of flexible technology selection, independent on-demand expansion, high availability and so on, which is more suitable for the needs of the current Internet era. However, the application of micro-service architecture will introduce new problems, such as cross-process communication, service registration discovery and so on. Based on the analysis and comparison of the traditional framework and the micro-service framework, this paper presents an implementation scheme of the micro-service framework. The overall architecture of the framework is designed, and the solution to the key problems introduced in the framework is given. Using this scheme to develop business system, developers only need to pay attention to the development of the internal business functions of microservices, the registration between microservices, and find that monitoring is completed by the framework of micro-services, which simplifies the difficulty of system development. Improve development efficiency.
【作者单位】: 中国电建集团国际工程有限公司;京中电普华信息技术有限公司;
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