[Abstract]:With the arrival of the big data era, the amount of data stored in the information system database is increasing explosively, and the performance requirements of data reading, writing and querying are becoming more and more high. The traditional relational database can no longer meet the requirements of big data storage and query. In order to explore the storage and query technology of massive data, this paper focuses on the research and development of typical non-relational (NoSQL) database Hbase. Hbase is an open source version of GoogleBigTable, which has the characteristics of high reliability, high performance, column oriented, scalable, consistent, and so on. Support for secondary indexing. A large scale storage cluster can be built on cheap PC Server by using Hbase technology, and the big data storage system can be realized. In this paper, the architecture of big data storage system is studied firstly, and the key technology of Hbase database is discussed. Then the Hbase database system is deployed on the Spark big data platform, and the floating population database is stored. Because the Hbase database only supports the primary key query, we add the secondary index function to the floating population database, which greatly improves the query speed. On this basis, the performance of floating population database based on Hbase is analyzed and evaluated, and the performance of Hbase is tested by YCSB, a testing tool developed by Yahoo Corporation. The test object is a Hbase data table based on the actual data provided by an enterprise. The total number of records is 30 million. Finally, based on Spark big data platform and Hbase database system, a prototype system of massive floating population data management is developed. The system has the functions of data acquisition, data storage, data management, statistical analysis, system management and so on. Among them, 30 million records are stored. The total amount of data reached 12.6 GB, which realized the efficient storage and fast query of massive data of floating population.
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