[Abstract]:In the 21 century, with the continuous development of the Internet, text information is gradually replaced by the image, video and other new generation of visual information. Nowadays, most mobile devices have better shooting function, so the demand for multimedia information processing is more and more intense. Recently, with the popularity of a software called Prisma, image styling technology began to enter the public's attention. This paper focuses on the real-time image styling algorithm proposed by Justin et al. The algorithm is very efficient in the test phase and can produce high quality stylized images. However, it takes a long time to model a particular style and usually takes a few hours. In addition, in the application of digital printing, the effect of this algorithm on image styling of solid color background is not satisfactory. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) configure multiple devices into a usable TensorFlow distributed cluster, add new startup parameters to dynamically configure the cluster environment, and frame the real-time image styling algorithm on the TensorFlow distributed cluster. By training the model in parallel, the training time of the model is greatly reduced. (2) for the image with solid color background, the image segmentation method is used to separate the foreground from the background, and then the stylized algorithm is implemented for the foreground and background of the image. The final merge results in images that meet production requirements. The experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the speed of model training and produce stylized images with solid color background.
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