[Abstract]:A balanced sharing of the resource load of the Internet of things can effectively improve the resource utilization of the Internet of things. The balance sharing of the resource load should be based on the unbalance of the load, the updating of the pheromone is improved by the quality function of the Internet of things virtual machine, and the scheduling of the resource load of the Internet of things is completed. The traditional method is based on the task and capital of the Internet of things resources. The source matching function is used to improve the heuristic information, but the update of the resource pheromone is ignored. The scheduling effect is not ideal. The optimization method of resource scheduling for IOT based on ant colony algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the various overhead and factors of the IOT virtual machine are considered, the state of each virtual machine in the Internet of things is adjusted, and the resources of the Internet of things are based on the resources of the Internet of things. Load data and current load status are used to calculate and adjust the scheduling of various resources in the Internet of things, to realize dynamic scheduling of the resources of the Internet of things, to improve the load inequality of the virtual machine in the Internet of things, to update the pheromone of the Internet of things virtual machine quality function and to realize the sharing scheduling of the resource load balancing of the Internet of things. The results show that the proposed method has obvious advantages in task execution time and effectively maintains resource load balancing and sharing of Internet of Things virtual machines.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学信息工程学院;
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