[Abstract]:In order to identify the hub model, a wheel pattern recognition algorithm based on shape matching and texture screening is proposed. First, a spoke shape is determined as a standard template and its edge graph is obtained. The template is used as a moving window to move in the hub image to calculate the minimum two-dimensional Euclidean distance from the template to the (ROI) of each region of interest in the hub image one by one. If the distance is less than the threshold value, it is determined that a shape is the same as the template, and then the recognized wheel hub image is randomly walked, and the walk histogram is obtained, and the evaluation method of the similarity of the walk histogram is improved. The texture deviation degree is obtained. Finally, the correct wheel shape is confirmed by comparing the texture deviation degree. The recognition process has the advantages of non-contact, flexibility and accuracy. The experiments show that the recognition rate and robustness of the recognition process are also high for larger images with large interference.
【作者单位】: 燕山大学电气工程学院;燕山大学国家大学科技园;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(61601400) 河北省博士后择优(B2016003027) 秦皇岛市科学技术研究与发展计划(201701B009)项目资助
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