[Abstract]:Mass Internet information contains huge social value and commercial value. The traditional emotion analysis technology has large granularity and low accuracy, so it can not meet the increasing demand of Internet users. Therefore, how to adopt a fine-grained emotion analysis technology to enable the computer to process and analyze the network information automatically, to provide decision makers with more detailed and conclusive information, and to help enterprises understand the consumer habits of users. Helping users to understand product information in an all-round way has gradually become a trend of development. At present, the research on fine-grained emotional analysis is not deep enough for the mining of syntactic and semantic information. Therefore, this paper synthesizes the research foundation of emotional key sentence extraction, evaluation object recognition, topic related emotional orientation analysis. Deep mining of syntactic and semantic knowledge and research on fine-grained affective analysis are carried out for the Internet corpus. The main research contents and innovations include: 1. Aiming at the extraction of emotional key sentences, this paper proposes an extension algorithm of emotion dictionary based on PMI, a keyword extraction algorithm combined with topic model and word graph model, and an algorithm of extracting dependency template to obtain emotional words, keywords and syntactic dependency features, respectively. Combining lexical semantic and syntactic dependency information to complete the extraction of affective key sentences. 2. This paper presents a domain dictionary construction method, PDSP, which combines part of speech template, dependency structure analysis, semantic role tagging and phrase structure analysis, and extends the dictionary by Word Embedding method. The evaluation object identification is carried out in conditional Random Field CRF embedded in sequence tagging model. 3. In the topic related affective orientation analysis, a LTIGT algorithm combining local and global information is proposed for keyword feature extraction, and then based on Word Embedding and dependency relation, the topic related affective words are extracted and clustered by K-means. Finally, the above two features are added to the SVM to determine the affective tendency of each topic, and the emotional tendency of each topic is obtained. Finally, the fine-grained emotional analysis is completed.
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