[Abstract]:For the street, the main goal of the informatization construction is to improve the efficiency of executing the superior work arrangement and serving the public, and to improve the image of oneself. Therefore, the deep-level expansion of street office information construction is very necessary. How to make use of the information technology and the standard management method to give full play to the administrative function and the administrative level of a street effectively, to improve the working efficiency of the street and to improve its own image, is an important problem that a certain street must face at present. Based on the construction of an office automation system in a street and the realization of digitalized and networked office work, this paper describes the design and development process of the office automation system suitable for the county level street based on its business requirements. This paper first introduces the background and development status of street office system, and determines the system development goal through the comparative analysis of office information system at home and abroad. Then, through the understanding of the street office flow, the feasibility and performance requirements of the system are analyzed, and the system is divided into official document management, workflow management, administrative management and other modules, and detailed use case analysis and design. Finally, the implementation and test of street office management system are described. Through the test, the system can run normally. Based on the method of software engineering, this paper studies the street office platform based on J2EE platform, and completes the system document management, workflow management, administration management, personal office management, vehicle material management. The system is based on the B / S model, and the main framework is SSH, which is not only easy to maintain but also has good scalability. The establishment of the street office system can realize the automation of the street administration office, make the street administration more simple and convenient, the realization of the system is conducive to speeding up the speed of information flow in the street and integrating the internal resources of the street. Combing the street internal management process to improve the work efficiency of street related staff.
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