[Abstract]:With the development of the network era, many tourists are keen to publish the experience and evaluation of traveling on the network platform. As a result, there is a huge amount of data about tourists' network comments, and if tourism websites and related departments want to improve the operating efficiency and improve the tourism environment, they must dig out useful data information from them. This paper uses the technology of data mining to study Guilin tourist network review on Ctrip travel network. The main research work and related conclusions are as follows: first, In this paper, the crawler technology based on octopus fish collector is used to study the data capture rules and acquisition rules of tourist comment data on Ctrip Travel website. 1260 comments are collected and exported in Excel format. Then the original data set is preprocessed to remove invalid comments, and 1210 comments, nearly 100000 words, are obtained as sample data sets. Secondly, using visualization technology and LDA theme model to analyze the features of collected tourist comment text data. Through the word cloud map to find high-frequency words intuitively and accurately, and combined with the classification method to determine the impact of tourist satisfaction factors; then according to the network semantics of the semantic relationship between high-frequency words intuitive network. Finally, the LDA theme model is used to extract the theme of text data set, and the first eight topics are: itinerary, scenic spot, hotel, tour guide, dining, shopping, explanation and service. Thirdly, the emotion dictionary which is suitable for the research of this paper is constructed, and the emotion analysis is carried out based on the emotion dictionary. The emotion value of all the tourists' comments is calculated by Python programming, and it is found that 33.64% of the tourists have high loyalty. Fourth, the text data collected by the network is quantified, then the tourist comment data is analyzed by correlation analysis and regression analysis, and the model is established. Then we compare and analyze the tourist comment data of different year and month. Finally, the above research results are summarized, and suggestions are put forward to Guilin tourism departments and related tourism websites in order to provide reference for them.
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