[Abstract]:Virtual machine dynamic migration technology is to make virtual machine dynamically transfer between different hosts without the user's knowledge, ensure the completion of computing tasks, have the advantages of load balance, release of hardware dependence, efficient use of resources, and so on. However, the virtual machine information and user information will be exposed to network communication in the process of application of this technology. The security of virtual environment has become a concern for the majority of users, and has gradually become a hot issue discussed and studied in academic circles. Based on the research of virtualization mechanism and the source code of virtualized operating system, the security problem of virtual machine dynamic migration is taken as the breakthrough point. Firstly, the hidden danger of memory leakage is analyzed. Secondly, combined with KVM (kernel-based virtual machine) virtualization technology, communication mechanism, migration mechanism), a security protection model based on hybrid random transform coding is designed and proposed. In order to ensure the data security of virtual machine dynamic migration, the model adds data monitoring module and security module to the outgoing and incoming end of virtual machine dynamic migration. Finally, a large number of experiments are carried out. The simulation tests the security protection ability of the model and its influence on the performance of virtual machine. Simulation results show that the security protection model can guarantee the security of virtual machine dynamic migration in KVM virtualization environment, and achieve the balance between virtual machine security and dynamic migration performance.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院信息工程研究所;中国科学院研究生院;国家保密科技测评中心;北京交通大学;
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