[Abstract]:With the popularity of the Internet, the demand of IT enterprises for data statistics and services continues to increase, almost every day there are new business, which requires enterprise information systems to adapt to such changes quickly. The current IT information system contains a large number of components, the database component is the most important component. In order to ensure the smooth upgrade of the system, the upgrade of the database components caused by the change of the database conceptual model can not affect the normal operation of the other components in the system, and the change operation should be strictly tested. In order to automate this step as much as possible, this paper begins with the definition of database information model, and completes a consistency test system for the definition of database conceptual model and its physical implementation. This paper first designs a representation method based on JSON data format to standardize the definition of database information model. This method imposes some constraints on the JSON data format to realize the unified representation of the definition of information model. Then, combined with the actual usage scenario, this paper implements a database model testing system to verify the consistency of the specific database model implementation. The system can complete the verification of the data format, data constraints and other core requirements of the model in the way of automation or semi-automation. At the same time, it can output the relevant information model verification results to each information model conformity degree. The IT enterprise information system can refer to this system in the process of changing and upgrading the information model. In order to achieve the definition of enterprise information model and consistency inspection, reduce the impact of human factors on business upgrading.
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