[Abstract]:The different parts of the compressor unit are closely coupled with each other, which makes the fault characteristics uncertain, nonlinear and concurrent. The traditional model has a poor ability to express the fault characteristics of the unit, but depth learning is essentially a multi-layer nonlinear transformation information extraction technology, which can realize the modeling of the complex relationship between the data. Therefore, based on the theory of depth learning, it is of theoretical significance and practical value to study the fault prediction of compressor units. In this paper, how to better apply the depth Boltzmann machine (Deep Boltzmann Machine,DBM) model to the field of compressor unit state prediction is studied. (1) the modeling method of compressor unit vibration signal prediction based on Gao Si depth Boltzmann machine (Gaussian Deep Boltzmann Machine,G-DBM) is studied. Gao Si filter is added to the DBM visual layer to realize the preprocessing of the model. And make the data preparation rules before the prediction, build the G-DBM prediction model, rely on experience to determine the model structure. (2) relying on the experience to determine the model workload, this paper studies the optimization method of the G-DBM prediction model. A simplified particle swarm optimization (Ex-tremum Disturbed and Simple Particle Swarm Optimization,tsPSO) algorithm with extremum perturbation is proposed to determine the parameters of the model, and the hybrid conjugate gradient method is used to accelerate the training process of the G-DBM model. After model optimization, the average error value of the prediction sequence is reduced, and the prediction calculation time is greatly reduced. (3) in order to realize the state prediction, it is proposed to recognize the state of the prediction sequence of the field unit monitoring data. Because the field fault state data is very difficult to obtain, the model is built by the bearing monitoring signal obtained by the experimental simulation. The paper builds the bearing state recognition model which combines the non-sampling lifting wavelet packet and G-DBM. It lays a theoretical foundation for the state prediction of field units. For the noise signal in the state sequence, the non-sampling lifting wavelet packet is used to reduce the noise, and the G-DBM model without feature extraction is used to recognize the state of the bearing signal. The accuracy of G-DBM recognition by denoising is improved by three percentage points compared with the recognition result using G-DBM model directly.
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