[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, the popularization of smart phone, the high efficiency of cloud service, the mass data transmission has provided people with convenient life. At the same time, the era of big data also brought a severe test to data security. In the Internet environment, there are huge political, military, economic, geographical, cultural, scientific and other important information hidden in various public data. When some important information is used by outlaws or foreign hostile forces, it will have a bearing on the national economy, social stability, national security, personal privacy and many other public security issues. At this point, information security protection is particularly important in big data's time. The strategic goal of big data's information network security is mainly to promote the research and development and application of big data's information technology, to promote the prosperity and development of big data's information network field, and to ensure the information network's own security. Seek big data information cyberspace dominant power. To upgrade big data's information network security strategy, to improve the independent research and development capability of the Chinese big data information network technology, to improve the legal norms of data and information, and to establish and improve the security protection mechanism. To realize the social "three-dimensional" protection mode of big data's information network security is a concrete measure to deal with the information network security under big data environment.
【作者单位】: 南华大学;
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