[Abstract]:The users are one of the first joint-stock commercial banks approved by the State Council and the people's Bank of China. Over the past 20 years or so, they have set up 108 branches and 1435 branches in major cities throughout the country. Mobile banking, wireless SocGen and direct-selling banks have established agency relationships with more than 1500 banks around the world. Credit assets reached 4.41 trillion yuan in 2014. Credit business is still the main profitable business, and its electronic degree has a great influence on the operation of banks. The credit management system for the bank is set up on the basis of the basic operation process of the customer to the public credit business and the professional business operation process. It is designed to realize the initiation, approval, and loan of the whole bank's financial credit business through electronic means. The system of management after loan, information query and comprehensive management is the operation platform of credit business and the data collection platform of risk management. The system involves dozens of roles, such as customer manager, business assistant, risk manager, authorized approver, risk classification management post, system administrator, etc. Ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of system role configuration. According to the actual process of the customer's public credit business, the system processes the business application, examination and approval, credit business issuance audit, post-loan management and other process links in the operation process of the public credit business electronically. And has the core function of customer credit rating. The design of the system is based on the thorough understanding and analysis of the customer's requirements. From the design of the scheme to the test, the extensibility and maintenance of the system are taken into account in every link.
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