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发布时间:2018-11-22 06:58
[Abstract]:Compared with the international level, the theory and algorithm of the mathematical model of water conservancy in our country have been in the advanced level, and some aspects have even been in the leading level. However, the water conservancy industry has been using the "self-development, self-use" approach, especially in the hydraulic numerical model software, which has made the development of model-related software lag for a long time. The software development period of water conservancy simulation calculation system is long and the reuse rate is low, which seriously hinders the application of excellent models and the development of water conservancy simulation and calculation in China. Aiming at the above problems, this paper puts forward a water conservancy simulation computing system generation platform based on cloud service based on model standardization, model base as the core, system rapid generation as the characteristic, and ensuring the intellectual property of model developer as the premise. The interface of the platform is also studied. In this paper, first of all, according to the current situation and existing problems of water conservancy industry, especially the simulation calculation industry, the requirement analysis is carried out from the business level and the technical level respectively. On this basis, the generation platform and interface design of water conservancy simulation computing system based on cloud service are introduced. On the one hand, based on the three-tier architecture of cloud services, the platform realizes the effective isolation between users and model media, and provides effective protection for the intellectual property rights of model developers. On the other hand, according to the OpenMI standard, combined with the characteristics of water conservancy industry in China, through the research and design of model calculation interface, model combination calculation interface, data standard and input and output interface, the model standard classification system is established. The data interaction and coupling calculation of multi-model time step level are realized. At the same time, all numerical calculation models are designed and realized as components, combined with component-based technology. At the same time, the platform system is used to generate the multi-model combination water resources simulation calculation system quickly, so that the model products can be replaced each other in the process of using, and completely independent from the specific business system, so that the problem of repeated development can be solved thoroughly. Finally, through the deployment and implementation of the platform, the effectiveness and implementability of the interface research work are verified. Through the research work of platform and platform interface, it will be helpful to change the low level repeated development in the development of water conservancy professional software in our country, and it will be difficult to maintain the status quo of updating. To promote the rapid development of complete sets of water conservancy professional software in China's independent intellectual property rights, to improve the efficiency and level of software development in the water conservancy industry, and to promote the popularization and use of excellent models.


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